
Lying About the Ex to Cover Up the Truth About Self

So many enter into relationships hoping to sell the new person on the "new and improved Me" that they end up lying about who they sincerely are, exaggerate their skills, or leave out details about one's past.  What's worse is comitted couples will put down exs in such a way as to make their current partners look better.  Meanwhile, the lies and exaggerations of one's lover clouds vision, even common sense.  Throw sex in the mix, and the niave mate doesn't see beyond whatever picture a spouse/partner is painting.  Some will use manipulative techniques when they think they might be losing some ground with the new person.  Therefore, putting down an ex is one of many ways to distract a partner from the truth.  Others will do this because they secretly still love, respect or admire an ex, but don't want the current person to know it. Many individuals divorce husbands and wives or break up with boyfriends and girlfriends because they discover they have been

Rant: Unreasonable Single Mothers - Dating Women with Children

Sometimes dating single moms just isn't wise for one who has no children.  A person who is unwilling to make compromises, help with children, share money, time, etc. should avoid dating a woman with children.  Dating single mothers is something that works well with others who may have children.  Now there are those exceptions when a single man or woman has a high tolerance for a date with children.  One should always test his or her to see if this person is really right for not only self, but family too.  It is obvious that the young man speaking in this video, bit off more than he could chew.  Motherhood isn't always a nice experience, and sometimes a frustrated mom will lash out on a man who she may not respect, because, in her eyes, he has child-like ways.  She seeks a provider, not another person she might have to help apart from her children.  Remember, children come with the package, so if you can't handle it, move on.

Are You Chemically Compatible?

While many choose to focus on whether interests are compatible, there is also something else you might want to consider as you discover more about your date, are you compatible chemically?  Sometimes are bodies just sense that something just isn't right with a potential mate, heed the warning.

Future Relationship Challenges Revealed During the Courtship

You can predict what a future will be like with the person you are dating simply by listening to what he or she says about personal interests, family relations, work partnerships, eating habits, and more! Most dates will not tell of their weaknesses, you have to figure those out for yourself.  However, there is a lot said in a joke, a quick retort, a roll of the eyes, or a deep sigh when you bring up sensitive subject matter.  The problem with many individuals who date is that they fear bringing up controversial issues because they think the person will no longer want to go out with them.  Being "the trouble-maker" so to speak is actually a good thing, because you can cut your losses early if the date doesn't pass your tests.  Remember, you are considering a future with someone who might be possibly impact the rest of your life! Think of the many couples that started off happy, but are now miserable around you.  Consider the many individuals who rush to get married

Relationship Blues: Dating Issues, Couple Challenges will Come

From forgetting to do something that a partner was expecting you would get done to disciplining  children who tend to cause more problems than solutions depending on the season, relationship conflict will happen.  More money, more children, more things, more family, more friends, more activities, more work hours, more of anything, and one day a lover, who didn't normally have an issue with one's partner, will!  Less truly is best if it is an interference in your relating to one another in a positive way!  Being in an intimate relationship will not always be "nice, understanding, better than those other people, or anything else," you thought it might be.  Selecting a mate can be like buying a car, chances are you're dating, engaged or married to a lemon, someone's reject from yesteryear--a real problem!  Sounds harsh?  Well, it's true.  Why do so many singles deceive themselves into thinking that every new face will always be The One--the answer to one

Multiple Personality Disorders from a Spiritual Perspective...Learn more.

The last thing you think about when you are dating is meeting someone with a personality disorder.  Beware.  If you know you don't have the patience to deal with someone's "issues", get out while you can.  Avoid the temptation to save the damsel in distress or the poor, lonely guy.

Why is it that He Doesn't Marry Me?

Saying "I Love You" on the Internet to Strangers

What is it about the Internet that makes Internet surfers say things like, "I love you" without knowing, better yet, even meeting the one reading the note on the other end?  He or she may have sent email back and forth for awhile and even promised to meet a love interest in person, but is such a relationship truly about love or is it more a lust for adventure?  One whose life is routine, mundane and in need of a spark is tempted by the world wide web of possibilities even if they really don't love him or her. There is something exciting about getting to know someone in a way that is still very new to our society still.  You may have seen romantic movies in the past that made Internet love look and feel so romantic.  But is it really?  Let's face it, when you really think about it, it is quite strange, even a little scary, to frequently chat with a stranger online only to allow one's emotions to get the best of him or her, and before long sit in the presence of 

How to get your ex back fast!

How Much Do You Weigh? And Other Questions You Shouldn't Ask Your Date So Soon

Some people are always getting caught with their foot in their mouth on the first few dates.  Why bother dating, if one feels like he or she should say whatever is on his or her mind.  It isn't any wonder why some people remain single.   Know when to talk and also when to shut up!  Maybe just maybe some will stay committed long enough to get married. How much do you weigh?  Does it even matter?  The date might be planning to lift you up one day or buy you clothes or maybe he or she is letting you know in a nice guy way, "You are too fat or too skinny for me, not interested." Who knows? What is your faith?  Then the date follows up with a question that goes something like this, "So why do 'fill in the blank' act like you visit...?  My mom (dad or whoever) use to be..."  Should I care?  Meanwhile, the person has no plans of supporting one's faith much less anything religious unless one has vested interest in the person. Why are you

Types of Women to Run From

Make Your Partner Feel Secure in the Relationship

She rolls her eyes, takes a deep sigh, acts irritated every time her partner speaks to anyone female including his own mother, what’s wrong with her? A boyfriend seated near his girlfriend overhears her talking and laughing on the phone with the father of her children, he breathes heavily and murmurs something about, “getting off the phone.” Two examples of insecure partners in relationships, but why? Lack of communication and understanding. You can talk until your blue in the face about your love for a mate, why you only want to be with him or her and so on, but are your actions sincerely demonstrating what you say? Maybe you haven’t communicated as well as you think to your insecure, and at times, jealous partner. Does he or she really know how much you love him or her or does the subject only come up when he or she notices that your attention is on someone else other than him or her? What about affection, sex, being helpful, and other factors in the relationship? Are

How Narcissist's Victims Deceive Themselves

Mentally Controlled by Lovers - a spiritual perspective

Bad Relationships - 3 Common Causes of a Bad Relationship

Are You Able to Withstand a Challenging Relationship?

It seems, many obstacles come up after one decides to commit to a relationship for better or for worse.  Exes call, arguments increase, job losses, unanticipated pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, toxic relatives and friends--you name it, trouble seems to come out of nowhere!  But can you deal with all that comes with you and someone who claims to love you?  When is enough, enough!? When you are exploding on everyone, but the one who is causing you the most issues. When relatives and friends are warning you almost daily to stop being with the person you are with and start planning an exit. When there is a firestorm of concerns and complaints coming from strangers who can't get to your partner, but they can get to you. When you can't seem to go on and feel like you are going to jump a bridge. When your world is falling a part.  For instance, bills aren't getting paid, an increase in personal health issues, and the needs of yourself or loved ones aren't get

How to Remain Dedicated to a Sexual Fast

  People have their reasons as to why they need to stop having sex for a certain time period. Health issues, relationship challenges, work/education focus, children, and more are reasons as to why some people just need to take time out from having sex. One. Abstain from watching music videos, movies, television shows, and other media that discusses, shows or encourages sexual activity. When you are being inundated with media that has sexual content, you will begin to desire to have sex from viewing sexual advertising to watching music videos. With problems mounting in one’s life, it can be very frustrating trying to stay dedicated to a sexual fast. Don’t entice your self or others with sexual images. Two. Avoid dating and/or being along with someone you are romantically attracted to. The more time you spend with someone who isn’t interested in having sex or vice versa, the more tension increases. Premature sex only causes more problems. Stick to the plan, if you can’t ha

When a Woman Cheats

Cheating on anyone or anything is wrong. Most of us learned very young that to go behind a friend’s back and wrong that person might cause a fight or worse one might lose a potential friend. But just because people know things, doesn’t mean that they will always adhere to a certain code of honor. Such is the case with a woman scorned. One who is unwilling to compromise any further in a miserable relationship will be tempted to cheat. However, before some cheating partners make their exit (or get booted), they have to go out with a bang of sorts usually finding someone they feel more compatible with, possibly better looking than their current mate, while still receiving sex, money, and other things from their present partner. Some things women do that lead up to cheating could have been prevented had their mates picked up on the signs. 1. She often thinks and communicates her concerns about the relationship. A woman who is on that path toward cheating on her man is going

Why Do Men Cheat?

How to Know When to Leave a Relationship

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?