
Showing posts with the label friendship

Friendship - When a Date Wants Nothing More, Nothing Less

Companionship isn't promoted on movie screens and elsewhere between the opposite sex like being lovers to one another is.  Hold hands, kiss, have sex, argue, hug...touch, undress, touch, and so on.  But what about friendship?  What about two people being companions?  No touching, no sex, just talking--enjoying one's company? When one is getting to know someone for the first time there is much conversing going on, probably too much.  In time, the date feels like he or she knows enough about the person that now he or she feels like they can touch or be ready to experience a touch that eventually leads into an intimate moment that might produce a child, a sexual disease, or disappointment.  A good friendship will take you away from the bedroom and to the places you always wanted to go.  It will help you discover things about yourself and the other person that just isn't worth risking fun times for sex.  One can experience contentment just by being in the presence of a goo

How Do You Know You No Longer Have a Friendship with Your Husband

Good friends like good men are hard to come by and that is why some women will fight tooth and nail about their partners. They want to know that their partners will stick closer to them than they would their best friend. However, that is oftentimes not the case. Usually the friend outlasts all the relationships. You can’t help but think was the friend also responsible for some if not all the breakups? So how do you know that you are no longer your husband’s closest friend? Here’s how you can tell. You don’t occasionally set some time aside to learn more about his interests and hobbies. You do well listening to him when he tells you about things that matter like groceries, bills, doctor’s appointments, and children, but when he starts telling you about his game of golf, the workload at his job, or other things that you aren’t a least bit interested in, you zone out. If you remember, when you first dated him you managed to find a way to stay interested in what he had

12 Things You Can Do to Have a Friendship That Stands the Test of Time

Good friends like good men are hard to find. There are seasonal friends, the kind that come into your life for a season. They are there for the transition in jobs, the relationship that goes sour, the project that needs to be completed, or the new job you started. Yet, they may leave your life, because their services are no longer needed or you can no longer benefit them. But good friends, they are the ones that are there for you through all seasons. They not only will call you on the phone, take you out in good times and in bad, but send you money whether you asked for it or not, offer to help you even if you insist they don’t and so much more! Good friends usually outlast marriages, are there through the death of loved ones, and support you even when your own family won’t. So what do you have to do to have a friendship that stands the test of time? One. Take the time to communicate. So many valuable friendships are lost because people get to busy in their lives

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?