What to Do When You Discover a Date Has Been Lying to You
It can be disheartening when you find out a date has been lying to you about any number of things, what's worse is you have had sex with this person and thought you had an intimate connection, but realize you can't trust him or her. So what to do when you discover your dating a liar? 1. You confront him or her on every lie. Sometimes there are those little white lies and then there are those bigger lies that enter into a relationship. As much as you want to believe a partner didn't lie about someone or something, when it is proven that he or she did, burying your hand in the sand is the last thing you want to do. Welcome the warning sign, stay guarded, and always confront the liar on his or her lies. 2. You remind him or her of your deal breakers. You will need to remind a lying partner what your deal breakers are and maybe he or she will think twice in the future. This person may have forgotten what you might have gone throu...