On Losing a Man to Another Woman - You Won, She Lost
"No regrets," that's what some people have to remind themselves of when it comes to breaking up with someone. I made certain before I left relationships that I had no "I really wish things could have been different" statements floating around in my head regarding exes. I did the best I could, end of story. I sleep well at night. I hope readers of this blog are getting beyond those negative feelings that keep you bound to toxic people, places and things. Ladies, when you're in a miserable relationship and don't see any way out, you have a tendency to stay in your mess until a light bulb goes off. That usually comes the day you find out your man has been cheating on you, it is then that you didn't lose, you just won! I personally dislike titles that look like another woman took a man away from a wife like, "Suzie Q Lost Her Husband of 20 Years to Mature Mary." Most likely Suzie Q had been slowly but sur...