
Showing posts with the label good men

10 Reasons Why Singles Should Avoid Dating Toxic People

Losers can be toxic and destructive people to date or be in any type of relationship with! There are many reasons why singles date losers. Some people may be looking for someone to take care of them, while others may be attracted to the bad boy/girl persona. Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that you deserve better. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 reasons why you should avoid dating losers and find someone who is right for you! Number one: They don't know how to treat you right. Losers will never understand how to truly love and care for someone. All they will do is take advantage of your kindness and use you for their own gain. Number two: They are always negative . If you're dating a loser, chances are, they are always complaining about something. Whether it's their job, their friends, or even you, nothing is ever good enough for them. This negativity will eventually start to rub off on you and bring you down as well. Number three: They have no g

A Good Man is Hard to Find & Why You Might be Killing Yours

You may not have wanted to get married when you first met this wonderful man who is now in your life, so you told him so and now that you want to get married, he isn’t as interested as he was when he first asked you a year or so ago. You wanted a good man and now that you have him you are destroying the relationship. So what exactly do we do as women to kill our men? What are we saying or doing to make them grow distant? Over the years I have talked to different men and read their opinions in various media outlets and here are just some of the things that we say and do to kill a good man. We don’t know what we want. In the beginning of the relationship we are sending them all these messages of how we love them, enjoy being around them, and even talk about the future, so when he shows up with a ring we act strange. These mixed messages make them think that we don’t really want them, when we do, but we always follow up with, “Let’s take it slow…I’m not ready yet…We need so

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?