
Showing posts with the label break up

Craig David - Walking Away (Official Video)


Healing After a Breakup


How to Let Go of People who are Still Holding on to You


How To Get Over A Breakup (Tips For Moving On Quickly) Exs


Adele - Hello


Breaking Up When You're Still In Love


Someone Out There is Better for You But...

It is nice to think about how there is someone somewhere who is better for you then that person you are currently with, but before we go too far in our imaginary worlds, know that we wouldn't necessarily be right for those people. Everyone has their share of flaws and some partners can tolerate everything from their loved ones who have a long history of lying to those who yell and curse far too much.  Sure, you could drop that zero and get with a hero, but is that what you really want? Some people stay in relationships far too long and become tainted with their abusive partners' mess!  They act like fools, just like them, without realizing just how infected they have become with all their partner's negativity over the years.  These same troubled individuals will say, "I am going to breakup with my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and find someone better!"  Meanwhile, the wishful thinker has become nothing more than a poison in his or her current relationship that

What You Need to Know About Relocating after a Relationship Break Up

You have made the decision to end a relationship and now the time has come to prepare to move out of the residence that you and your former partner have shared.   Now if you will be moving in with someone else, you want to be sure you are not bringing any of your drama to that person’s home.   If you plan to get your own place, then you will need to be sure that you have enough money to support yourself for the long haul, so that you don’t later find yourself back at home with the ex, not for love, but because you have nowhere else to go. One.   Take the time to begin to take your name off of all joint accounts, bills, insurance, etc. Never leave business unattended to or assume your partner cares enough about you that he or she will handle your matters.   You have broken up with this person and most likely said or did some things that offended him or her, so be sure your name is cleared off of all documentation.   For instance, if the phone and other utilities are in your na

Right Now is Right Back: Premature Relationship Endings

When you are ready to leave a relationship, you will not hesitate to make plans. You will pack your items, make an announcement to all that you have ended it with your partner and then proceed to live your life without that person. But people who are not ready to leave their partnerships will take their time about ending them. They will continue to romance one another, give gifts, have sex, talk intimately, and do other things that remind one another and the world, “We are together.” Now there are those couples who may say and do some things that tell witnesses, “This relationship is coming to an end.” But the keyword is “coming,” it isn’t over yet. Therefore, anyone who may think that one or both are ready to live a single life and date others might be easily misled. This is why those who want to play “the other woman” or “other man” role become bitter, angry, and confused. They assume that what their lovers are telling them is factual and accurately reflects true feeli

When You Know You Are Headed for Breakup...

Living together or living apart?  You aren't ready to pack just yet those things you left over his or her house or those things you brought with you when you moved in together.  You also aren't ready to announce to the world you are single despite fantasizing about it often.  But what you are ready for is that slow mental break up. Some of you know what I am talking about because you are in it right now.  You have sounded the alarm enough times through all those, "Let's talk" conversations.  You said things like, "I hope that we can do XYZ to improve the relationship."  Chances are you didn't really mean it.  You may have also said, "We really ought to make some changes here and there."  So you put some effort, but not much.  Then you threw in, "I sincerely do have feelings for you..."  But, you know this person is not your "one" anymore. Maybe your partner was listening during your feel-good speeches, but obviously

When He Attempts to Break Up With You

How to Spot Relationship Breakup to Make Up Signs You have noticed that things have been very different in your relationship lately since the early days; he seems withdrawn, no longer interested in you, considers you a burden rather than a blessing, and other related issues have surfaced. He or you have been trying to be “adult” about this pending crisis and have had “the talk” the one where you or he says, “Maybe we need some space…” or “Maybe it would be best that we break up.” What this really means is, “Get ready for a bumpy ride” if you or he are not sure that this is the best decision for the both of you. Let’s review what the relationship “break up to make up” signs are that he may have already exhibited and how you may be reacting toward them. Various conflicts have occurred in the relationship and rather than talk about the issues as they come up, he keeps a record of wrongs and then brings them up during conversations you initiate. He doesn’t bother to bring a

Premature Breakups: Nothing More Than Break Up to Make Up Drama

So you decided you want to break up with your partner, are you sure? If you think so, but you aren’t necessarily convinced it is the right thing to do, consider this, once the cycle of break up to make up starts, things will never be the same. Unfortunately, most relationships only get worse the more freedom to roam is given. The mind starts adjusting to a new life and the heart soon follows then low and behold, the past shows up to disrupt a little harmony! Now the mind is frustrated, “I thought you didn’t want me?” He tells her. “But I do, I do…” She pleads. “I love you,” He says. “Me too! Let’s try again.” She cries. A healthy break up doesn’t begin once bags are packed and you are walking out the door; rather, it starts while you are still in it. Gradually you notice that this person is not who you thought he or she is. You begin awaking each day hoping you don’t hear from him or her. You begin living a life separate from this person and you actually feel good about i

How to Stop a Breakup Right Now With Confidence

We all love when our relationships are filled with fun, joy, and love. However when the relationship starts to head south we want to stick our heads in the sand and hide. Well if the relationship means anything to us we simply can't hide, we have to stand up straight and fight for our love. Might sound kind of corny but it is a time tested strategy that will work. Other than just out right fighting for her here are a few tips that will aid in finding out how to stop a break up. 1. Build Up Your Confidence: Do whatever it will take to bring on a strong healthy demeanor. No one is even going to think of taking you back if you are depressed and full of sadness. Before you even think about trying to stop a break up, go out and exercise for about a week. Get your adrenaline pumping on the inside and you will get a renewed self confidence on the inside. Take this self confidence and go talk to your girlfriend 2. Learn Your Lines: Were you ever in a school play? Well if y

Best Ways to Overcome the Breakup Blues

Breakups are never fun but they are often necessary to get to the place in life where you belong. Although you may believe that there are brighter days in your future, it does not make the present any less painful. You do not have to spend weeks locked in a dark room in order to overcome this obstacle. Here are ten baby steps to assist you out of your breakup rut. 1. Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia - Ok, so you don't want to go overboard with the indulgences, but go ahead and enjoy some good old fashion comfort foods. 2. Cry - There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a good cry. Let it out, scream at the universe, whatever gets it off your chest. 3. Treat Yourself - Go shopping, get a manicure, visit your favorite restaurant. Now is the ideal time to treat yourself well. 4. Bury the Nostalgia - It is not necessary to burn everything associated with your ended relationship, but tuck it away. Out of site and out of mind. 5. Rekindle Relationships - Call up some frien

Telling the Truth About The Breakup

I know why many people who beakup won't tell certain family members and friends the truth about why they broke up with their partner, in one word, FEAR. They are fearful of the "I told you so" comments, fearful of the way they will be viewed if they were responsible for the breakup, fearful that they will be told off, fearful that no one will listen, and fearful of what might be done to them for breaking up. So they develop a fantastic story, one that will make it look like it wasn't their idea to end the relationship. They will use the popular statement of, "We just couldn't see eye-to-eye, we couldn't get along..." Of course, we all know that there are two sides to every story, but let's be honest, which one will you believe? And do you really think that both people are responsible for the breakup? The truth is one usually started the "breakup ball" rolling and the other had no choice but to go along with it! Usually the one wh

How Do I End A Relationship?

If you are in a relationship that has run its course - meaning the relationship seems to have fizzled out how are you going to end it? One of you has to. Often times relationships will continue long after the "magic" is gone because ending a relationship can be difficult. Does breaking up have to be hard? If you've been wondering "how do I end a relationship" so that neither person gets hurt here is some helpful advice. 1. First you need to be crystal clear as to why you want the relationship to end. The "easiest" reason that jumps into your head may not be the real reason at all. Dig deep and be sure you have a clear understanding of why you want the relationship to end. 2. Be honest with yourself and your partner. Now is not the time to beat around the bush or fabricate lies. In most cases people deserve the truth. In the end each of you will be better off if you are truthful regarding the break up. 3. Whenever possible, end the relationship in

Relationship Tune Up - 7 Key Points to Avoid a Break Up or Break Down

"Every three months or 3,000 miles." That's how the sticker in the left upper corner of my windshield reads. It's a matter of common knowledge that we are supposed to maintain, service, and tune up our cars if we want them to run well and last. In my experience, it rarely occurs to us to do the same thing with our love relationships. More and more of the couples I see are not in need of long term therapy, they are more in need of a short term relationship tune up. 7 Key Points What first attracted you to each other? - This is the first question I ask most couples because it helps to be reminded that your partner has some great qualities that led you to want to be in this relationship. What are some of the strengths of your relationship? - Instead of all the things that are wrong with your relationship, what I want to know is what are some of the strengths of the relationship upon which we can build in order to solve the problems with which they are struggling. When ha

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?