He's No Good for You, She's a Slut
When well-meaning family members and friends finally meet this person you have raved so much about they may be very skeptical at first. Sometimes their skepticism never leaves no matter how much you parade your new love in front of them. Some will be bold and others may be coy about how they really feel about your date. "He's no good...she is a slut!" They may tell you about what they think they know about the person and what they may have heard. Most likely, you will defend this person who has brought you so much joy. However, consider the source and why they feel the way they do. Is there any truth to their argument? I can recall a time when I was head over heels in love with a guy that I brought around my family. Everyone else seemed to like him except one person. She didn't have a man herself and she was known for being a gossip. Although she was right about him being "no good," she was also very wrong for sharing her opinion with everyone else...