
Showing posts with the label domestic violence

How to Stop Ongoing Domestic Violence at Home

It can happen without notice an argument leads into a physical fight between a couple .  One of the first things you do if you are a witness is to call the police, but if you are a victim, you fight for your life! Avoid spending time alone with someone who you recently broke up with, has a history of putting his or her hands on you violently, and who has threatened to hurt you.  No matter what they say, your life is at risk if you should agree to let the abusive man or woman in your home, in the car, or anywhere else where there are no witnesses.  Have your camera and/or audio equipment ready if you should be caught off guard.  Sometimes a person hell-bent on getting close to a victim will break into a home, office or car and wait for a long time for your arrival.  Don't ever underestimate your online, creepy date, a moody ex, or a flamboyant partner. Oftentimes couples fighting doesn't end in death, but it might and you don't want to be the one six feet deep in you

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Domestic Abuse: Relying on Police to Get You Out o...

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Domestic Abuse: Relying on Police to Get You Out o... : Not every phone call to the police ends up turning out in the way the caller might think. Times have changed since the days our grand...

The Holidays: He Hit Her Again and She Said It was Her Fault

The Holidays: He Hit Her Again and She Said It was Her Fault

Keep Your Business To Yourself - You Give Your Angry Partner a Stick to Crack Your Head With

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Keep Your Business To Yourself - You Give Your Ang... : So you have something you are just dying to tell your emotionally unstable mate. You really want to make the man or woman you love a buddy ...

Inside Domestic Violence: Power and Control (full version)


Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: A Partner Didn't Mean It, Really, Sorry Yet Again ...

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: A Partner Didn't Mean It, Really, Sorry Yet Again ... : Some temperamental, violent, and angry types just don't get it!  Did a partner really have to hit, yell, name-call, throw things, or us...

Another Weekend of Sports, Attitude and Blame

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Another Weekend of Sports, Attitude and Blame - Ab... : They gather around television screens and will boldly tell all females in the household or elsewhere, "Don't interrupt, find somet...

It Only Gets Worse (Domestic Violence PSA)

After a Heated Argument...Sleep with One Eye Open

If you were in a physical fight with someone, would you attempt to walk away from the match while fighting with your back turned?  Of course not.  You don't know what that person might pick up and use against you.  You wouldn't want to be blind-sided; therefore you would keep your eyes on your opponent.  Well, when it comes to heated relationship disagreements which might include threats, pushing, punching or throwing things, some couples won't always fight fair.  A jealous, hot-tempered, and often irritated partner just might be after blood if you aren't too careful.  As much as many couples would like to think they could just say whatever is on their minds, then go to bed at night, think again! A hormonal woman, a man having a mid-life crisis, or two people with personality disorders, substance abuse issues or health problems in a relationship is nothing to sleep on!  Trouble is always right around the corner.  There are many stories both on and off the internet wh

How to Know If You Are Dating an Abuser

So, you have met someone in a club, in the park or you and him/her were introduced by a friend. You have gone out with that person on a couple of dates and that person seems so perfect, so right! You decide to take this dating to the next level, so you start a relationship with this person. After months of seeing this person, you decide to move in with him/her; next thing you know, you are being abused by that person. You can evade this whole scenario every time you go out on a date and trust that person that you are considering having a serious relationship with. Remember, many people are not honest about who they are until they are in deep in a relationship. Now, you should not be scared when it comes to dating but you should be careful, here are some tips on how to spot an abuser. You can spot an abuser on your first 3-5 dates with that person, as long as you listen correctly. A date is all about knowing a person, not their whole life but at least the most important details and w

Relationship Tune Up - 7 Key Points to Avoid a Break Up or Break Down

"Every three months or 3,000 miles." That's how the sticker in the left upper corner of my windshield reads. It's a matter of common knowledge that we are supposed to maintain, service, and tune up our cars if we want them to run well and last. In my experience, it rarely occurs to us to do the same thing with our love relationships. More and more of the couples I see are not in need of long term therapy, they are more in need of a short term relationship tune up. 7 Key Points What first attracted you to each other? - This is the first question I ask most couples because it helps to be reminded that your partner has some great qualities that led you to want to be in this relationship. What are some of the strengths of your relationship? - Instead of all the things that are wrong with your relationship, what I want to know is what are some of the strengths of the relationship upon which we can build in order to solve the problems with which they are struggling. When ha

Men Wake Up! A Good Woman is Man's Best Friend

Yes dogs are loyal. They will stick by you to the very end. They will still love you even when you forget to feed them, stay away too long, yell at them, and so on. But dogs can't give you what you need when your spirit is reaching out for someone to complete you. Let's be real, dogs aren't a man's best friend, but a wise woman is. Notice the key word here is "wise." A foolish woman is a man's downfall. We see that all the time in the media. A political, entertainment, or sports figure decides to go out with a woman who has strategically placed herself at the right place at the right time to obtain one's material wealth. After attempting to destroy the man's reputation, she may find temporary fame and fortune (many women don't) and then when the lights are off she is by herself name-dropping to some friends. Men overlook wise women all the time for the ditz. The reasons are endless from beauty to status, but whatever the reason, a wise woman wi

How To Find A Husband The Wrong Way

Too many times single women will go hunting with girlfriends in search of a potential mate only to come home heartbroken once again, because no one seemed to be right for them. There are many good reasons why that occurs, here's one main reason: don't look for a man with women! The following information in this article will provide you with all the things women do wrong to get a man and may answer the question why some of you are still single after 35. Some single women have either an extreme positive attitude or an extreme negative attitude. Where is the balance? No one wants Bubbles for a wife, maybe a lover, but not a wife. If everyone tells you how bubbly you are, it isn't always meant as a compliment. There are men who don't respond well to a woman who thinks that even a gloomy, rainy day with ice and snow is just "great!" Know how to tone your voice and body movements down a notch. No one is asking you to kill who you are, but you will have to consider m

12 Things to Know Before Starting Your Next Sexual Relationship

These days you may find yourself pondering on having sex with your new friend. There is something special about he or she and you may be starting to fall in love. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that this person may be "the one", but do you really know him or her? What could you possibly be risking in the future by having sex now? The following tips may help you decide whether having sex right now is really a good idea. 1. Know the person's first, middle and last name. Although this tip may seem obvious, you would be surprised at how many people have sex with someone and are unsure whether they have a middle name, what there last name could be and whether the first name is their birth name. 2. Find out where they were born, where they currently live and where do their closest relatives live. Let's say an emergency occurs while you are with he or she and they are unable to speak. What would you say if the police asked you, "Where does your friend live and can yo

Editorial: How to Communicate with People Who Mask Their True Selves

They smile at you, appear to be friendly, seem to have it altogether and most of all they seem just a bit too overjoyed to see you as they put their arms around you. Chances are you have felt uneasy around them although they have a bright, beautiful smile on their masked faces. The politician, preacher, mother, friend or foe are masters at wearing masked faces. So what exactly is a "masked face"? It is a front, disguise or a well-rehearsed expression that appears on the face. Underneath it all these faces are crying inside. They are battling with past hurts, resentment, bitterness and anger. "I have to smile," they tell themselves. "Because I don't want the world to see my pain." As we all know, the world isn't kind to emotional people. We are uncomfortable around a man or woman crying. We try to "make light" of situations. We say uncompassionate things like, "Shake it off!" or "It isn't that bad." When in all actu

Dating a Victim of Domestic Violence? What You Should Know and How You Can Help

Her abusive boyfriend from the past cheated, lied, robbed, raped, abused, and misused her. When you first laid eyes on this gorgeous woman, the last thing you thought was you would be inheriting her wounds from yesteryear. Yet, you did and now you feel at times stuck with both his and her mess. You aren't ready to break up with this woman you love, but you can't see a future with her either. So what do you do about this past baggage that tends to show up on days that you think everything is perfectly okay? The following tips should help you get some peace of mind, reach a decision about the relationship, and help you help her to heal. There is a big difference between a woman who calls herself a victim of domestic violence and one who calls herself a survivor. The survivor most likely has evolved from her experience and shows no signs of having ever been a victim. She has received the support she needed to move on and has taken the necessary changes to live her life to the fu

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?