
Showing posts with the label stds

Herpes Dating Advice

Herpes, a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease will get in the way of your dating and love life if you let it. For example, if you try and talk about it with a new love or dating interest, there is a very good chance you'll be rejected as someone he or she would like to start a relationship with. Tread slowly with someone new if you don't feel comfortable discussing it and don't become intimate until you do feel comfortable. On one hand, you really can't blame a potential match for rejecting you. After all, you have an infectious sexually transmitted disease. And they will always doubt your decision making process no matter what they say. So why bother? On the other hand, wouldn't it make more sense to meet potential love or dating interests who have herpes already? Why go through the guilt, shame and rejection with non-herpes people when thousands of people in your own area who have herpes are available and share your outlook on dating? ...

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?