
Showing posts with the label dating men

Types of guys you should avoid | Dating mistakes - Kev Hick Talks Guys with Girls


Manipulative Men Create Themselves to be Everything You Ever Wanted

He said all the right things based on what he had already learned about me. He promised me that we would go to fun places and see cool things. He told me that he loved me and how stupid the last man was for letting me go. He bought me everything I ever wanted. He seemed like he really wanted to know me, he asked me lots of questions. All of what I mentioned above was what I remembered during the dating phase with various men.  They were nice-looking, charming, but all had dark sides.  They took the time to get to know me because "I was different...pretty, smart...liked my smile."  Oh yea, the smile.  They all found my smile very attractive.  But I wasn't sold much on their looks, it was their voices.  I was lured by the tone of their voices and what they promised. Back then, in my 20s.  Now in my forties.  I know now when a man is attempting to make himself into something I would desire even though I am married and they know i...

Tired of Trusting in Men? happiness, worth, money, esteem


Some Men wanting their Partners to Act like their Mothers - mammas boys,...


13 Things Men Think About Women (But Won't Say)


Steve Harvey and Dr. Phil Discuss How Men Think


The Biggest Signs He Loves You (Even If He Never Says It)


A Good Man is Hard to Find: What are Some Women Doing to Kill Their Relationships?

A Good Man is Hard to Find: What are Some Women Doing to Kill Their Relationships?

Women: How to Know Whether a Man Wants You for Sex Only

Feeling like these days your body is good for nothing by a little bedtime roll? Would you like to know that he expects more from you besides sex? Pay attention to the following signs and you just might realize that your new date may be temporary. 1. He avoids talking to you about anything serious. 2. He doesn’t seem to be listening when you are sharing details about your life. 3. He prefers dates in private rather than in public. 4. He can’t keep his eyes off of certain parts of your anatomy. 5. He compliments you a lot on your appearance. 6. He often shares his sexual fantasies with you. 7. He encourages you to lie to people you know so that you can spend more time with him (sexually of course.) 8. He isn’t interested in meeting your family and doesn’t seem to care whether you want to meet his. 9. He talks often about you meeting his friends (for nothing more than show.) You see them one or two times and never again. 10. He puts off conversations about ...

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?