
Showing posts with the label relationship advisor

The Need For Emotional Intimacy

"My husband and I have a great working relationship. He's great to the kids, he's nice to me, he works hard on the house but he isn't very interested in getting to know me for who I really am. Any exploration around personal growth is threatening to him. Sometimes I feel so depressed to think I'll spend the rest of my life with this person when I want so much more, but there isn't anything wrong to point to as to why I would leave." Nellie was having her first phone counseling session with me. The problem was that Nellie was discounting her deep need for emotional intimacy - her deep need to know and be known, her deep need for emotional connection. Stating that, "there isn't anything wrong to point to" indicated how little she understood her need for emotional intimacy and connection. For most people, emotional intimacy and connection is absolutely necessary to thrive. So what does a person like Nellie need to do when she has a children and

Relationship Communication Problems - The Crisis in Male-Female Conversation Crying Out For Attention

Relationship communication problems are very common. There are a number of ways we can look at what these basic relationship problems are all about. One of the first things to say is it seems men are primarily responsible for the issues associated with marital and relationship problems to do with communication. I imagine a lot of men reading the last sentence would become very defensive about that statement and think it is another example of male bashing. On the other hand there is every chance many women reading it would identify with what is said and wholeheartedly agree with the statement. Adele Horin, a columnist in the Sydney Morning Herald, writes about relationship communication problems. She says there is a "..shortage of men that women can relate to. The crisis in male-female conversation cries out for more attention. Relationships are being destroyed, or aborted at first date..." She goes on "Say a woman has found a man... Before long she has detected the fatal

Why Relationship Problems Just Don't Seem to Go Away?

I am learning this as I write, we simply want to make someone do what we want them to do whether we are right or wrong. From a woman's perspective, I have spent years meeting men and then seeing something about them that I don't like and then I tell them about it and hope they would change. The problem is they don't want to change when I want them to and I don't have the patience to stick it out, so we break up. Listen, I don't want to be any man's mother, but sometimes as women we become just that! We expect them to do as we say and when they don't we get angry. All men have flaws, because if they didn't the woman that came before you would have never let the relationship die without a fight, but evidently she was like you, she couldn't change him either! So here's a simple lesson when it comes to relating to men, if you want to make your relationship work then you will have to say, "I accept...flaw...he is unwilling to change and I can

Top Five Things To Do Instead of Nagging

Ladies, here is a news flash for you. You know this already, but I am officially confirming that men do not respond well, if at all, to nagging. If you want something from a man and you have been reduced to nagging him to get it, you stand a better change of a winning a snow ball fight in hell. A reader of mine, who we will call Julie emailed me recently saying she was simply exhausted with trying to get her husband to help out with the housework. She admitted she was constantly nagging him, however, no matter how, or how many times she pleaded with him, nothing. He simply did not respond. Julie, who works full time and takes care of two children and the house has come to a breaking point. Although she isn't actually considering leaving, she is actually considering threatening him with a separation. Should she resort to threats??? NO!!! First of all, threatening to leave a marriage when you simply don't mean it is a huge mistake. Secondly, her husband probably wouldn't even

Seven Things You Can Do Today to Become a Better Wife

Having problems in your relationship? Are you the one who is to blame for the majority of the issues that have recently surfaced in your marriage? Maybe it was a mood swing contributed to PMS or menopause or maybe you have been really stressed out lately. If so, then the following tips will help you make some quick improvements in your marriage, before your man starts thinking you are no longer interested in him. 1) Overcrowding your husband's personal space? If you have been breathing down his neck on a variety of issues and not seeing any results and he has told you to back off, why aren't you doing it? Then again, maybe you are so in love with him that you want to know his every move, of course he will understand, right? Wrong, give him some space and let him come to you with his problems, issues, or confessions of how much he loves you from time to time. 2) Have you been dying to tell him about what happened to you each day at work, home, or school? You may think you ar

Be Careful You're Not Deceived By A No Good Man

No good men. Who are they? They are some of our fathers, uncles, cousins and brothers. They look good or smell bad. Smell good or look bad. They are men who promise us the world, but never act on their promises. They are lazy and stubborn. They lack the Holy Ghost, take advantage of Christian women and disrespect their mothers. They are infested with diseases while they cover themselves up with suits. They are broke all the time and owe money to everyone they know. They lie and smile. They make us cry, more than laugh. They abuse us, curse us and walk all over us. They are usually fatherless, motherless or both. They are the creators of no good women! Yet, we love them. Why do we always talk ourselves out of what we see and hear? When something isn't right and we know it, we immediately look for information to support reasons why it's right. Even though we know it's wrong. We do this all the time, when we are selecting our men. We say, "He will cha

Every Relationship Will Have Problems

Every relationship will have disagreements. It's all in how you handle them that will make a positive difference in you and your mate's life. Notice I said "life" not lives. The day you had sex with him or her you two became one - that's a topic for another day. Anyway, I know the above headline seems obvious to many, but the truth of the matter is with one out of every two marriages in the United States ending in divorce (and that includes Christians), many just can't seem to get along. If both of you are strong temperaments, then both of you will argue, disagree, and whatever else you want to call it more than most. It may be about everything from where have you been to what are we having for dinner? Women and men will disagree whether loudly or quietly and trading him or her for a "new one" isn't always the best choice. The next mate you get just might be worse. It's better to be with the one who knows you so well, then be with someone

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?