
Showing posts with the label relationship

I'M NO LONGER SINGLE!!! | My first ever relationship at 25 - Holly Gabrielle


The Cutting Truth: Relationship and Dating Blog Posts that Keep it Real!

 You probably didn't want to hear the truth about your relationship or dating life from your parent, your friend or even your co-worker.  However, it has a way of showing up when you least expect it like on a blog you just happened to stumble upon.  The following entries are those that you probably should read (or listen to), before something happens this year that will make you wish you had listened to everyone!  No coincidences here, thanks for showing up! Someone you are interested in, but you just don't know about dating him or her, hmm... A partner is doing some things that make you feel unloved. Incompatible couples from the start and still things haven't gotten any better.   Getting back out there in the dating world isn't what it used to be. The relationship isn't abusive, but you just aren't convinced you want to continue to be with this person. What your family just didn't teach you about relationships. Arguments happen, don't believe everyone ...

4 of 5 - Focus on Women - Relationships (series)


Life after Dating, Relationship - What the Future Holds?

You might have made up in your mind this is the last relationship, last date, last friends with benefits arrangement, last marriage, or cheating you will do with someone.  But what happens when you are officially done with this connection?  What might replace the void left behind? Sometimes people end up going back to unfulfilling connections once they are so-called over, because they never bothered to consider what might bring peace to them long after the thrill has gone with someone.  It isn't too soon to start thinking about the break up , your new life, and what the future holds for you.  When you are truly ready to make something your last, you either will stick with him or her or let that person go altogether.  Your mind is only going to get along or go along with someone before it screams one day, "Now why are we in this?  Don't I deserve better?"  "Better" doesn't come from another  human being it comes from within. ...

The Makings of a Bad Relationship

Are you noticing some things about your relationship that is just plain bad, not normal, or unhealthy?  Listen up.  You might be on your way toward a new life without even knowing it.  When warning signs increase, doing for the other starts to decrease.

On Predicting the Future of Your Relationship

You can't say for sure what might happen to your relationship, but you can pay close attention to enough signs early on to determine whether it will survive and become a reasonably quality relationship or a dysfunctional one that might eventually come to an end.  Consider the following signs there are storms ahead. 1.  You or your partner is buying much of the stuff related to the relationship from the gas in the car to go out on a date to the rent for the place you both have sex in. Most likely, you will also be the one paying for more things in the future like his or her child from a previous relationship, a family trip, bailing him or her out financial problems, or paying for medical bills.  Disagreements will occur about money.  If you or partner is in control of paying for most things, you might eventually act prideful and disrespectful about all of what you are doing for this person. 2.  Sex happens either too much or no...

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?