New Partner Plans? But Your Current Partner Doesn't Know
Some of you were with partners doing things like: watching the fireworks, saying prayers, sitting by the fire, listening to music or having sex when the new year came ringing in. But you have a secret, you don't plan on being with your current connection for the entirety of this year. Look your secret is safe with me! A few times in my life, I just knew without a doubt that those jokers were not going to be around much longer. My new year's resolution with one man, while I sat in church next to him, was to break up with him by spring. I accomplished that task but not without six police officers showing up that sunny day in April. They received a domestic violence call. I had been previously abused many times and I was fed up--I fought back. When you have grown weary of the make up to break up roller coaster, you mistreat the person without a care whether verbally or physically, and all you ever think about is ending the relationship , it's time!...