Lies of Manipulators in Relationships
They will justify their wrongs from using flawed statements to evil looks, manipulators, psychopaths, narcissists and the like hate those who expose their lies. What you say is wrong and what they do is right. They don't care that what they did hurt you. You scream, yell, threaten, and may even shake them up a bit, and their reaction is unapologetic. You can't trust cold-hearted men and women, they lie. They will try to reason why it's okay to join a dating profile site while still in a relationship, it's okay to be married while seeking to be with someone else, and they will distort all things they know to be righteous for selfish gain. They pretend to love, but they lust. Why is "I love you" so difficult for them? Because they know they don't mean it. Why is showing appreciation of a partner and his or her endeavors such a challenge for them? Because they feel far more comfortable wallowing in negative emotions like jealousy....