
Showing posts with the label how to catch a cheating partner

10 Tips on Catching a Cheating Girlfriend or Boyfriend

Is your partnering doing any of the following things: spending more time away from you, having less sex, avoiding eye contact, not answering his or her cell phone, and seems to be criticizing you more? If so, then you most likely have a cheater or someone who just isn’t interested in being in a relationship with you. In either case, it isn’t healthy for you to remain in such a relationship, because at some point you will act like some of those people you may have gossiped about in the past such as the insecure woman, the jealous husband, the angry boyfriend, and the bitter fiancé. You may have been one of those people on the outside looking in; passing judgment on these folks for their sour personalities, but the truth is you don’t know what that man or woman has had to put up with concerning his or her mate. They may have forgave their mate for cheating, while still remembering what happened when they weren’t focused on their relationship, and now they are overprotective about their m...

Relationship Advice - Warning Signs of an Emotional Affair

Affairs, including emotional affairs, are typical unplanned events. Even when we are on that slippery slope, we convince ourselves everything in OK. "But we're just friends" are four of the most dangerous words for your relationship and marriage. But over and over in my office and on the phone I hear it: "We are just friends, there is nothing going on." The majority of extramarital affairs begin as "just friends." While it is certainly true that there are affairs that begin with impulsive one-night stands with a stranger, the most common ones that I see begin as "just friends." In fact, if you find yourself thinking or saying "but we are just friends" you are probably already in trouble. Gary Rosberg of America's Family Coaches states that there are at least 19 stages a person will pass through on the way to physically consummating an extramarital affair. There are at least two important notions that we can l...

How I Caught Her Cheating by Effectively Using a Reverse Cell Phone Directory

Do you need to find out if your spouse is cheating on you or you are just imagining things? There can be several signs that indicate the fact that your spouse is cheating on you, and you are the most authorized person to notice them, as you know them better than anyone, but sometimes it's hard to make sure, and this is something that needs to be known for sure. You don't want to believe they are fateful when they are in fact cheating on you, you need to find out the truth in order to decide what kind of future you have next to that person - if any. When noticing several calls from their cell or on the telephone bill to an unknown number, there wasn't much you could have done in the past to find out to whom than number belonged, but things have changed now in the age of the internet. For example, I actually was being cheated on by my wife, and I couldn't have found out if I didn't use a reverse cell phone detective. After finding a suspicious number in her cell, I ne...

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?