
Showing posts with the label cohabitation

6 Signs You Don’t Want to Move-In With Someone

Apartment Shopping, Leasing, Rental Tips: 6 Signs You Don’t Want to Move-In With Someone : Sometimes we agree to move in with people out of desperation, emotional commitment, and other reasons.   However, we are making a bad mis...

Relocating After Living Together: How to Move On Once You Know He Doesn’t Love You in Six Steps

After all of the crying, fussing, screaming, and adult talk, you have finally awakened to a reality that is hard to swallow, he doesn’t love you. So what steps do you take to move on with your life while still living with him? Further, what if you have no support system or the one you do have lives over 3000 miles away? Those questions are answered in the following plan that is created to help you make it on your own without him. So what is the first step you take? Think of where you want to go and who might live in the city you choose that could possibly help you. From a MySpace acquaintance to a long lost cousin, if you can have at least one person who could possibly help you get your foot in a door or two, that may be hard for you to do on your own, would eliminate some of your stress. If you still can’t think of anyone, then conduct research using the words “human service agencies” in the city you are thinking of moving to, these organizations can be very helpf

Thinking About Living with Someone? Consider these 7 Tips Before You Do

You may be considering on living with someone, but you don’t quite know everything you want to ask this person before you move in with him or her. There are some very important things you may want to discuss with your future roommate to avoid possible problems. One. Money. If you were told that the rent would be split in half each month upon move in or some other arrangement had been made, then you may want to get anything said in writing. You can do this simply by texting or sending an email asking that your roommate just confirm the agreement. For example, you may say something like, “So when we spoke last time about rent, I wanted to be sure you said that you would be paying me… or I would be paying you…” This is an informal way to get your arrangement in writing, but it would be best to get a formal agreement with both parties’ signatures present on the document. You will also include other things that you are expected to pay as well. Some people will even have

Marriage Or Cohabitation - How Are Children Affected?

Recently on the Today Show, Brad Pitt briefly discussed his family, including long-time girlfriend Angelina Jolie and their six adoptive children. When asked if he planned to marry Angie, he said if they determine it would benefit their children, they would do so. Following is some evidence that could change the mind of people wondering if long-term cohabitation is as good a choice as marriage for families with children. Hopefully, most Americans aren't modeling their lives after Hollywood celebrities, but cohabitation is becoming more common, so the issue is worth discussing. Marriage is not just a financial decision; it is not just a decision of the heart. It involves these things of course, but when children are involved, they should also be considered. So, today's post is dedicated to studies showing how children are affected by marriage-emotionally, behaviorally, sexually, mentally, and physically. Research shows that in the U.S. cohabitators resemble singles more than the

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?