
Showing posts with the label healthy relationship

What Matters at the End of the Day is Love and Trust -- Without These Forget About It

"How can I convince you that I love and trust you?" you might think after you have repeatedly hurt someone you claim to love.  A partner is going to have a problem believing you when actions say otherwise. Do you really love and trust your lover/friend/spouse?  The truth for many people is that they are in love with the idea of romantic love, but have little sincere, in-depth love to give when it comes to the "in sickness and in health" part of commitment.  Trust is a major factor in relationships.  If you don't have a heart filled with trust for a mate, then you must then ask yourself, "Why am I staying with this person?"  Don't let children and things be your reasons.  Kids grow up and move on with their lives and things rust, break and tare.  People who lack love and trust in one another are some of the most difficult people to remain in a relationship.  It isn't any wonder why so many couples just can't seem to get along with one

What Are You Willing to Do to Have a Healthy Relationship?

Some people claim they want better relationships, yet they want to live their lives selfishly without giving a thought about partners' feelings.  They expect mates will always agree with them.  They falsely believe they are "good" men and women.  They also deceive themselves into thinking now that they are engaged or married that partners will always be around.  Healthy relationships require effort.  One who is unwilling to do too much of anything, other than to sail along in a relationship, will end up losing.  You can't put a relationship on cruise control or set it or forget it like a kitchen gadget.  It really does take two to make things work! 1.  Stop thinking and comparing your past to a current mate. The more you think about "I wish...I wonder if he/she is thinking about me...What went wrong with XYZ?  I sure wish things would have been different."  All of this wishful thinking will play a part in your current relationship even if a partner has

How to Know if You're in a Healthy Relationship


7 Tips to a Long & Healthy Relationship

What makes some Relationships last longer than others? Is there some type of magic spell, or a special pill, that seems to hold people together longer than others? There just might be! Some couples just seem to sit back & sulk, while some others just seem to let life go by right over their heads. Or maybe it's just that some couples pick up tips of relationship success from their grandparents, relatives or other friends. Since the latter is probably true, here are some tried & true tips that have helped couples enjoy long & happy relationships. 1. Be Nostalgic - When you first got together as a couple, there was something that bonded the two of you to each other. When times start to get difficult, take the time to reflect back on what brought the two of you together & use that common bond to build a foundation to work from to overcome your current difficulties. 2. Date Night - Just because the two of you are now in a long term relationship doesn't mean that the
Will Your Relationship Last Forever? Author: Damian Miles Do you realize that it is perfectly possible for you to have a relationship that lasts forever? And a relationship that is not just normal, or struggling, but that is consistently great. I believe that you can have a relationship where you are soul mates with your partner, and in love, and that you can have this over many many years until your are finally separated by death. I call such a relationship, a “lifelong soul mate relationship.” I know that you hope for such a lifelong soul mate relationship, but I suspect that you believe that it is only possible for you in some abstract kind of way. You may even believe that such a relationship is not possible outside of fairy tales. It is possible for you to have a lifelong soul mate relationship, and there is simple first step to achieving this. The first step is to see if a relationship, or a prospective relationship has the potential to be a lifelong soul mate relationship.

Relationship Commitment - A Healthy Relationship Starts With You

It has been proven that a healthy mind and a healthy body can contribute to a healthy relationship. When you begin a new relationship with someone, you obviously want it to last as long as possible. Your relationship can last if you build a healthy relationship. However in order to have a strong relationship with someone, YOU must have a healthy mind and body and you must make that commitment to attain that status. So how do you make a relationship healthy? First, a healthy mind is when you have good self-esteem and confidence of who you are and what you want out of life. A healthy mind gives you independence so that you rely on yourself to get matters done and therefore not dependent on your significant other. An unhealthy mind though is when you have little or no self-esteem and no confidence in yourself. The lines of communication become non-existent because you withdraw into your own world and just look to your partner for guidance on your life, which puts a burden on him or her. A

The Need For Emotional Intimacy

"My husband and I have a great working relationship. He's great to the kids, he's nice to me, he works hard on the house but he isn't very interested in getting to know me for who I really am. Any exploration around personal growth is threatening to him. Sometimes I feel so depressed to think I'll spend the rest of my life with this person when I want so much more, but there isn't anything wrong to point to as to why I would leave." Nellie was having her first phone counseling session with me. The problem was that Nellie was discounting her deep need for emotional intimacy - her deep need to know and be known, her deep need for emotional connection. Stating that, "there isn't anything wrong to point to" indicated how little she understood her need for emotional intimacy and connection. For most people, emotional intimacy and connection is absolutely necessary to thrive. So what does a person like Nellie need to do when she has a children and

Success In Relationship Can Help You Succeed In Business

Our relationships give us the comfort we need. Our relationships also give us pain. A relationship can work in both the ways and either way it affects our career and business success. Let us see how? Why Relationships? We relate with someone because otherwise we feel incomplete. We need a person to share our life. We want to talk about our inner thoughts, desires, pains and pleasures with a partner. We feel incomplete without a relationship. That is the primary reason of our relationship. What does relationship do? A relationship gives us peace and a friend. It helps us beat our loneliness and gives us a partner to share. A relationship gives us somebody who will inspire us at the time of our defeats. Relationships and career- If we enjoy a healthy relationship, we feel good. We feel very optimistic. Our state of mind is positive. We are empowered to fight any odd and dream of great achievements. A good relationship gives us a high that can help us achieve a lot in our business and car

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?