Whether he or she is Caucasian, African American, Mexican, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, or something in between you need to be understanding of one’s culture and be prepared for how society will treat you both. When one is in love there are no color issues. He or she only sees a person who is kind, considerate, loving, sweet, beautiful, and everything he or she has wanted and more. They couple might fantasize about getting married one day and having children. It’s easy to feel this way behind closed doors, sitting in a car with steamy windows, or living in a neighborhood where people don’t think twice about an interracial couple. However, what happens when you make your pledge of love to your significant in front of God, family and country? Not everyone will be celebrating your new relationship . Some will smile in your face and talk about you and your mate behind your back. To this statement, most couples will say, “So what?” ...