
Laboring to Love Myself Author talking about relationship issues, troubl...


Vows and Pledges - Time to keep them, time to break them. Ask God for Help


He Loves Women Far Too Much - A Player with a Lot of Love

Wink, whisper, touch, and a flattering statement, the player with a lot of love to give is never satisfied with just one woman.  "But he wants to be with me, he told me so..." the gullible, young lady yells at all those who doubt her new boyfriend's commitment.  "See, he gave me a ring.  He told me that I am the one for him.  I trust him, you don't know what you are talking about!" Those of us who have been on this planet far longer than we want to reveal and have had many relationships in our lifetime start to see the same types of women and men.  There are those who are all-too trusting paired up with the pimp, player, and hustler who use their charm to convince all, "That girl is my world, I love her..." Sure you do and all the other women who come in your direction too! *                             ...

10 Signs Your Online Date Has Hidden Mental Issues

Have you been in contact with someone online that you are doubtful about meeting in person?  Could it be that you picked up on some things about this person that make you doubt whether he or she is really a match for you?  With so many people being knowledgeable when it comes to using the computer and navigating the Internet, you never know what you might find on an online dating website.  More and more people with low IQs, unattractive looks, mental and physical illnesses, and unresolved issues from the past are flocking to the web in search of love too.  So for those who are very particular about who they want to enter their lives, be on the look out for people who have all sorts of mental and physical challenges hiding their issues amongst doctored up photos, flattery, and impressive dating profiles. How do you know your online date has some hidden mental issues they don't want you to know about? 1. This person expects you t...

A Player with a Private Problem - When the Older M...

Tips Dating Older Men, Dating Younger Women: A Player with a Private Problem - When the Older M... : He was a man who had a lot of lovers in his youth, beautiful ugly, older, younger, tall, short, fat, skinny in many different hues.  Yet, h...

Borderline Personality Disorder & Relationships


Minor Disputes Will Not Kill Your Relationship

So you have been disagreeing with one another more frequently lately, did you really think you would always have a peaceful, loving, sweet, and agreeable partner?  Just because disputes have increased between the two of you lately, doesn't mean that your relationship is coming to an end.  If anything, it is a good sign that you both are maturing, learning more about one another, and feel more confident to speak your mind.  In new relationships, many couples put on a good act, but once the newness wears off, now lies become truths and the realization of whether or not a lover is indeed right for them comes to the surface. While you read this, there are couples all over the world having screaming matches, fist wars, and rages about personal property.  Thank God, your relationship woes aren't as bad as others or are they?  Disputes are inevitable and how you manage them will determine whether you really want to be in a relation...

7 Popular Lies of Single, Deceptive Men

A lot is said in a simple statement backed up with an action or inaction when it comes to relationships.  Many singles can save themselves much time and stress if they would just pay attention to the little things their dates say and do early on in the relationship!  Some women are so desperate for a man that they suppress all red alert signs that tell them, "Keep away, this guy is a loser!"  Don't be the next fool for love in a deceptive, single man's game, listen and learn. 1. "I can cook." Really?  Challenge him.  Go to the grocery store with him, watch him take the food out the wrapping, season it, and cook it.  If you see all of that, he can cook.  If not, he's a liar and what else might he lie about?  Hmm. 2.  "She's just a friend." Is he sure about that?  The way he looks at her, talks about her, and how often he corresponds with her on the phone should be enough for you to tell him, "Goodbye." 3.  "I wou...

Lies of Manipulators in Relationships

They will justify their wrongs from using flawed statements to evil looks, manipulators, psychopaths, narcissists and the like hate those who expose their lies.  What you say is wrong and what they do is right.  They don't care that what they did hurt you.  You scream, yell, threaten, and may even shake them up a bit, and their reaction is unapologetic. You can't trust cold-hearted men and women, they lie.  They will try to reason why it's okay to join a dating profile site while still in a relationship, it's okay to be married while seeking to be with someone else, and they will distort all things they know to be righteous for selfish gain.  They pretend to love, but they lust.  Why is "I love you" so difficult for them?  Because they know they don't mean it.  Why is showing appreciation of a partner and his or her endeavors such a challenge for them? Because they feel far more comfortable wallowing in negative emotions like jealousy....

Appreciation Goes a Long Way in Relationships

Are you showing appreciation to your partner when he or she gets in the car, walks in the door, or when you see him or her in public?  Appreciation goes a long way in relationships especially when the couple has recently experienced much negativity from outsiders.  "Is there anyone who loves/likes me?" a partner might secretly think.  "I just wish that someone would just show me that he or she cares?"  If you haven't been showing love lately, you just might. What harm is it to say, "Thank you."  Does it take much effort to say, "Good morning, Good evening, Good night?"  For some troubled relationships, not only is a simple greeting to one another too much to handle, but even touching can be a bit difficult.  A couple who has resolved in hearts and minds that they just simply aren't compatible, don't like one another, and would rather be anywhere but with one each other is at a point of possibly no return unless they change their mi...

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Emotionally Abused for a Sickness You Can't Help

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Emotionally Abused for a Sickness You Can't Help : God permits all sorts of things to happen to us human beings as we age.  Some things we have pills and potions for while others not so much...

Dating Advice For Women: Top Mistakes You're Making With Men


Dating The Divorced Man (how to date a divorced man)


Facebook: It's Not Complicated - You Aren't in Love Anymore

If you have ever selected the relationship status choice of "It's complicated" on Facebook or something similar on another website, you must know you are telling the world you have issues--lots of them and most likely you are responsible for at least 50% of them.  Let's be honest, you aren't in love--that's not complicated.  You most likely never was especially if the female or male was nothing more than a rebound during a down moment in your life--possibly in like, but in love?  Yet, we all have fallen for that new person (notice I didn't say love) who seems to show up and show out in our lives when we least expect it.  Knowing full well, the "okay" guy or "alright girl" should have been nothing more than an acquaintance at the time, yet we agreed to a relationship built on one maybe two great dates (sigh).  Before long, that supposedly temporary distraction is coming over your home sticking his or ...

On Dating: Character Flaws in that Special Someone

When we start dating or committing to one person, we sometimes fail at allowing ourselves to see the not-so appealing qualities in our special mate. We don't want to see that there is something wrong with him or her since it may have taken so long to finally find a partner. I can tell you from personal experience, that when we allow ourselves to focus only on the good while turning a blind eye on the bad for fear that we might disrupt that warm and fuzzy feeling inside our gut, we are headed for some trouble early on in the relationship! The reality is that we must connect with a mate not so much for his or her great qualities, but for this person's not so great ones too! The following is a list of things you may want to consider when dating or remaining in a relationship with someone. You should be asking yourself this question, which personality challenges can I live with and which ones can I not? You see every person in the ...

Save Money - Stop Dating

Repeated arguing, fussing, fighting, and using the silent treatment because one is going through difficult financial times will disrupt some of the best relationships.  There is never enough money to date, to pay baby-sitters, or to finance a trip.  As long as the money is coming in, some partners are happy.  But when money is limited or is all tapped out, the negative attitude shows up and stress levels rise. "Sorry honey, I can't help you with that...I really wish I could but...well you know we spent quite a bit of money last time...and well you know I really don't have much...I'm sure you understand."  But the eye-rolling, deep sighing partner with a chip on his or her shoulder doesn't.  This person might cover disappointment up with a smile, but a loved one or friend will know the truth, "Why did I get myself involved with yet another broke guy/gal?" When it isn't your money being spent, you have no choice, but to grin and bear it when a...

Red Flag Revealed: How to determine if a guy wants to sleep with you or ...


Women Taking Care of Men: You Can't Buy Love


5 Things Dates Do that Kill Romance Early On

It isn't any wonder why many romantic relationships don't last.  There are some things that dates do early on that cause much distress later simply because they just can't be honest.  From lying about their age to who they know, some daters will never make a quality connection because they are more concerned about playing a selfish actor's role than being a truly loveable human being capable of giving and receiving love.  So what do some of these people do that kill romantic interest as soon as they get someone's attention? 1.  They lie. Some manipulators assume that lies will never be found out.  They reason, "It's okay...she won't ever could he find out, it's not like he knows my family and friends?"  But the Internet as well as busybody people offline have a way of revealing truth sooner or later. Therefore, one shouldn't be so confident that a lie won't come to light especially after having one too many drinks. 2. ...

Abuse in Relationships: gaslighting (ambient), overt, covert, by proxy


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?