Appreciation Goes a Long Way in Relationships

Are you showing appreciation to your partner when he or she gets in the car, walks in the door, or when you see him or her in public?  Appreciation goes a long way in relationships especially when the couple has recently experienced much negativity from outsiders.  "Is there anyone who loves/likes me?" a partner might secretly think.  "I just wish that someone would just show me that he or she cares?"  If you haven't been showing love lately, you just might.

What harm is it to say, "Thank you."  Does it take much effort to say, "Good morning, Good evening, Good night?"  For some troubled relationships, not only is a simple greeting to one another too much to handle, but even touching can be a bit difficult.  A couple who has resolved in hearts and minds that they just simply aren't compatible, don't like one another, and would rather be anywhere but with one each other is at a point of possibly no return unless they change their mindsets and choose to appreciate one another.  Think of it this way, if you can muster up a "Thank you" to a co-worker, despite not liking something he or she said or did the other day, why not do the same for someone that you love?  Appreciating one's loved one is just as important, if not more important, than someone you really don't know that well at work.

A birthday, anniversary, or some other holiday is a start on the right path of appreciating a lover.  But there are still many days in the year that one can say, "I love you...I need you...I want you...You are sweet, kind and a great lover when you want to be!--lol"  Whatever you choose to say to make your special someone feel loved, do it!  If you can make him or her laugh, why not?

Remember there are plenty of singles who could only wish to wrap their arms around someone and say, "I appreciate you."  Don't let your special someone get away, let he or she know you still want him or her.

Nicholl McGuire


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