
When They Expect You to Date Your Own Kind

Ignorant people have a way of putting their prejudices off on others.  If they don't like a certain ethnicity, gender, culture, language, etc. they assume that you feel the same way simply because you might look or sound like them.  But with so much marketing of all sorts of relationships, whatever you thought was typical, normal, or okay is being suppressed slowly but surely.  The typical American couple looks nothing like the magazines of yesteryear. Interracial relationships, divorced partners, same sex partnerships, age-gap dating, open marriages, and more are the new norm.  Despite the stares and the comments, people will continue to date who they want, when they want and how they want.  Some couples simply don't care what anyone has to say about their choice in a mate. You might fit in one of the above mentioned groups.  You may have received some negative comments from people about your selection in a date.  For some, you might have been pushed out of certain circles



Thinking about Divorce? Have Children?


Dating Poem: More than Meets the Eye

So few of you many more of them, you need to be with someone who isn't enjoying sin. One had me jumping for joy, didn't play me like a toy. Boy, oh boy! He was that one they said, "Ain't right, and he look white." But that was alright. Look I have been there, done that... just sat and sat. Brothers passed me by, said goodbye, and one left me to die. Been on the other side too, where I was one of the few. That one lied and I just cried. "Life is what you make it," so they say, but many still have no wedding day. They say, "It's okay...something good will happen today." Yeah right, okay. Look at you, what to do? What is your view? What do you desire? Who will ignite your fire? Why won't love last? Has a lot to do with the past. Keep waiting, keep dating before long one will be mating. Then what will he do, lose love and sue? What will she do, find another to view? Temporary fixes, for modern

New Relationships: In Love or In Manipulation?


Is She His One?

I think I will leave it up to the man to see allow him to stare, to really view me. Tired of laughing at silly, boring things-- more interested in looking at some rings. Tired of pretending that I am the best, tired of failing each and every test. "Listen we all have our issues, you know better. Just state some promises in a letter. You promise to be better than the last. You promise that you won't move too fast. You promise that you will love me now, You promise you won't throw in the towel..." Relationship advice now it will entice. Makes you want to learn more, especially for a heart left sore. But back to the man that watches me, hopes he accepts the woman beyond what he sees. For I have a long history complete with much misery. Men don't hold my attention for long, don't believe in any tired love song. Won't be the one who will fall head over heels in love, don't respond to men who like to scream and shove. He is a

The Rush to Have Sex, Commit with Someone You Met Online

With the growing use of the Internet, comes the increase of meeting people online and possibly going all the way with them.  Now when I say "all the way" I mean just that!  All the way to the altar.  When this happens, you can never be too sure about that person who started out as nothing more than an online chat friend to possibly the mother or father of your children. Communication It is great to communicate, the longer, the better.  But what exactly are you talking about.  Some couples will brag about how wonderful their relationship is, but what they don't tell you is they have yet to push those buttons that will send the new partner over the edge.  It is very easy to start a relationship online, but keeping it--well that is a different story.  Sharing information with a partner is much more than just being nice, polite and friendly.  You must talk about those issues that rattle a person, so that you can see how they respond to controversy.  Better you find out th

Relationship writer and author Nicholl shares experiences and thoughts on YouTube

If your personal relationship with your heavenly Father isn't right, chances are you are struggling in other areas of your life more than most.  Get some insight as to how you can incorporate spirituality in your daily living.  Start listening and watching inspirational videos at YouTube channel nmenterprise7 to help you get on track, see here.

Pros and Cons of Dating Someone Attractive

Let’s face it, there are people in this world that are absolutely stunning--better looking than most. Some are not only beautiful to view, but have a great personality too. So for those singles who are determined to capture a partner that is his or her ideal mate (and keep him or her), the less attractive individual (with the less than stellar personality) has to work harder than most. It is rare that you will find a person that just fits everything you ever wanted in a mate. Sure, the date will have his or her flaws, but the goodness of one’s heart and beauty should outweigh them. So if the buxom blonde or debonair gentleman is sweet on your eyes, then you know there are a million others who would agree. Insecurity When one is dating someone who is nicer looking, smarter, and overall tends to have a better outlook on life, he or she is going to have to be mentally and physically secure with who he or she is personally and professionally. Having a faith, a nice job, a

Had Enough of the Relationship/Dating Drama Yet?

You might be partnered with someone who is really starting to work your nerves.  It seems that whenever he or she comes around, your flesh crawls and you walk on egg shells.  You might even have to tell yourself, "Try not to say anything...remember what happened the last better."  Then before you know it, you are caught in that trap of discord again .  You start thinking about breaking free from your misery, but opt out.  You recall just how much you love this person you can't seem to dismiss out of your life.  (For some of you reading this, a break up is not an option at this time--keep reading). So what will you do the next time an argument breaks out?  Run to a relative or friends house?  Break every wall or door in the house?  Gossip about your mate to anyone willing to hear?  Argue until you both cry?  What, what will you do?   If you are doing any of the things previously mentioned, it is only a matter of time that all hell is going to break

What You Need To Know About Liars

Whether you are in a new relationship or still trying to figure out an old one, chances are you either have been lied to or suspect your mate is lying to you again, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. To determine whether your mate is being honest with you the next time you question him or her, you will want to pay attention to the following signs. Although these clues may vary with some people, they are very popular with most liars. Let’s begin with one common tactic used by liars. You have approached him or her with a question followed by proof. He or she is obviously upset that you found out the truth. They will look for reasons to find faults with you also known as shifting blame. “Well if you hadn’t went through my things we wouldn’t be arguing? It’s because of your insecurity is why I did what I did.” A softer tactic a liar will use to get off the hot seat is the all important phone call, meeting, or some other event. “Can this wait? I really ha

How do you know you love someone?

There will be a time in life you may have questions whether you truly love someone and whether he or she loves you. Couples need assurance when things seem to go wrong. They need to know they are loved and appreciated. How do you know you are loved? What are you doing to show love? How do you know that your fiancé really loves you? Years ago you may have fallen in love with a girl or boy in high school. Back then adults may have accused you of not knowing anything about love. They may have been right. True love is comprised of so much more than the heavy petting and kissing that went on as a teenager. It’s unfortunate, but many adults are still using a night of good sex and nice favors as signs they are in love. When one is truly in love, you will see their behaviors change whether good or bad and people will take notice. Being sick with love is just that, the stomach and head will ache with some people. Others will experience a temporary feeling of wanting to be aroun

Why Your Boyfriend Talks To Everyone But You

When it comes to the things that matter in his life, you notice he is talking to everyone but you. When exactly you noticed his behavior doesn’t matter, he could have suddenly acted this way or he could have gradually became distant. All you know is that he is different and you need some help analyzing why, so that you can put your plan B into motion, that is if you have one. So review the signs that follow then create a plan for yourself and/ or relationship that will bring you love and peace. In the beginning of the relationship he was “all smiles” with you. He shared stories of his daily events, how you made him feel, and future plans of how he hoped to spend life with you. Nowadays he isn’t saying much more than a “hello” and a “goodbye.” Here’s what may have happened. He doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you. There may have been moments where he said or did something that upset you in the past. He may worry that you will “blow up” or say something that will

The Side Effects of Going Without Sex

When was the last time you had sex? If you answered, “last night” then this article isn’t for you. Check out my articles on other relationship topics. However, for those people who can’t remember when they last had sex or choose to deliberately go without sex, this article is for you. There are many reasons people go without sex. Your mate or you may be going without it for religious reasons, a pregnancy, illness, a lack of trust, or dare I say it, for strategic reasons. Sad but true, some people will cut off sex in their relationships if they feel other needs aren’t being met such as a desire to marry, obtain material possessions, and receive attention. Whatever your reason or your mate’s for not having sex, the following ten points will help you understand and prepare for the “side effects” that may happen. Irritability. It’s like the feeling you get when someone calls you too many times to do something. The slightest thing that happens around you sets you off

Nothing More Than a Fantasy: A Work of Fiction by Nicholl McGuire

“It wasn’t what she looked like,” explained Paul. “It was how she acted, the way she spoke. She was so honest and open about herself that is why I fell in love with her.” Paul, a 35- year-old teacher enjoyed beautiful beaches, breath-taking mountains and exquisite structures such as the leaning tower of Pisa, one of his favorites. “I knew she was the one. She exuded a positive energy. The kind only found in the presence of someone holy or extraordinarily charismatic! I love that woman.” Helena listened intently to his love story. She desired to experience the love that Paul had so eloquently spoke about. She wanted someone to come into her life and sweep her off her feet. Helena was a 5 foot 6 inch beauty queen with legs that any man would want to capture and place on his bedroom wall. Her dark, brown wavy long hair and full lips made women look twice with daggers of jealousy in their eyes. Wherever she went men would stare from afar and motion for her to come and talk w

Just Had an Argument? What's One Thing You Love About Your Mate?

After an argument, a cold shoulder, or an eye roll, it's hard to think about that one thing you love about someone who has done these things to you.  But try anyway, let's think. 1.  The way he/she smiles. 2.  How nice he/she smells. 3.  The thoughtful ways he/she shows care ie.) gas in the car, back rub, brings me snacks, gifts, etc. 4.  How great love-making feels. 5.  He/she cleaning up messes around the home. 6.  Comforting me when I am angry at others. 7.  Calling me to say, "I was thinking about you...I'm sorry." 8.  Giving me time and space to cool down. 9.  His/her good cooking. 10.  How he/she cares for children. 11.  Paying bills. 12.  Compliments the way I look. If most of these things and more make you feel good when you think about them concerning your mate, then chances are, this person is a keeper.  Appreciate what you have while you still have this person in your life!  There are so many widows in this world and

6 Tips on How to Stop Sleeping with Friends

For some people it is hard to maintain friendships, because so many want to be lovers first and friends later!  If you have done this many times, you may have some personal issues that you have yet to deal with that might repeatedly move you to sleep with your so-called friends.  So what do you do to stop sleeping with your friends? 1.  Establish boundaries that let these people know, "Just friends, nothing more, nothing less!"   If you don't make up in your mind that you aren't going to sleep with every person who says they like you, then how are they supposed to respect the boundaries that you set?  For some lovers, you will have to let them go because they will do nothing more than keep tempting you especially when they can't seem to stop thinking about past episodes with you doing XYZ. 2.  Make love not war outside of the bedroom.   Simply put, you will need to deal with your disputes with friends apart from the place you lay your head.  The after affects

Relationships Evolve, Romantic Feelings Die Down

Isn't it odd how you can be so in love with a certain someone one minute and then the next want to be with anyone, but this person? It happens.  Those infatuating, frustrating, and often fluctuating emotions can make or break your relationship with that special someone.  So what do you do when you feel like you love your partner today, but hate him or her tomorrow? One.  You don't lose your cool and say something you might regret.  But if you do, you have to find a way to make up. Now you might get angry about an issue every now and then, but when you do, watch your mouth!  Too often people say things that they know will cause others to hurt, due to selfishness, vengeful thoughts, jealousy, immaturity, or simply listening to the wrong advisers, and out comes something mean.  If you should hurt your lover's feelings, go to him or her with a sincere apology and plan to do something thoughtful.  Also, remnind yourself via a note or alert to get a solution to whatever has

Holiday Celebrations Don't Cure Your Relationship Ills

From Valentines Day to birthdays, buying your mate things will not help your relationship blues that only go into hiding temporarily only to come out worse after all the half-hearted smiles and laughs dissipate. By spring, you will notice how strange it seems that so many couples will be announcing breakups on and off television.  "But they seemed so happy around Christmas and then when I saw them after Valentines Day..."  looks can be deceiving.  But enough about them, what about you? Don't make the same mistakes, putting a band-aid on a bleeding heart just because it is a holiday.  Avoid the temptation to fix things in your relationship by putting a ring on them (this goes for women too who think they are getting a ring because Beyonce subliminally programmed you during Superbowl 45) or ignoring them like some of you do when your mate criticizes you about what you are and aren't doing in the relationship.  And definitely don't say, "I do" to anything

Christian Dating Advice for New Believers

Never too late to start over.  Cut your losses.  Confess sin, repent and do better next time.  If you are already in a relationship, seek God.  He will guide you to make the right decisions.  Trust in Him, not your emotions.

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?