He Lives His Life as if We Weren’t Married; He Rarely Considers Me
Driving in his beautiful sports car, he is turning heads! He feels and looks good these days and you are happy for him. But this has been the latest stunt he has pulled in a series of selfish moves. Family and friends tell you that they have seen him at this person’s house, this club, this event and so on and you don’t even know about half of these places and the ones you do know about you know that they are up to no good! You want him to start living his life as if he is married to you and you want him to consider you, so what do you do? First, you need to identify where you have gone wrong in this relationship to win his respect. He unfortunately has learned that whatever he does is okay with you. You may have allowed him to get away with what he does because you didn’t want to appear as if you are a nag. You can still appear that way, by stating your point and if it doesn’t get through to him going to your plan B. Now you may say, what is a plan B. A plan B is ...