
What to Expect When Dating a Jealous Woman

What to Expect When Dating a Jealous Woman

When Your Girlfriend Complains About Your Friends

When Your Girlfriend Complains About Your Friends

The Yes Date: We Have So Much in Common - NOT!

He said he liked what I liked and enjoyed this thing and that one whenever I mentioned them.  He was too good to be true.  Who was really driving this relationship, he or I?  When a date is trying to impress you with far too many statements like, "I do that too...What a coincidence I was thinking the same thing...I like that too!"  Look out, this person is trying real hard to stand out in the crowd.  He or she wants you to like him or her just as much as you like that thing you are eating or that place you often visit. I can't tell you how many men have acted, that's right, I said acted like they like my hobbies, what I eat, where I like to go, and even how I style my hair, just to get close to me.  But as I learned more about these dates, I found that they were not interested in many things I liked.  What's worse, when I called them out on things that they said during our first meetings, they would become...

Don't Lie, Don't Leave Out Important Details

If you were riding in a car with a date you met recently and just chatting away about your life with him or her, you would most likely skip over all the negative stories and stick to the things that make you feel good and hopefully that person as well.  But sometimes those feel-good stories have some details that can't be omitted out without a date questioning later, "Well why did that happen?  What made you do what you did?  How did you end up with that person and move where you did?"  It is very tempting to alter a few details and leave truthful information out, but don't.  I repeat, don't!  Once you start down that path of omitting information or blatantly lying about details of your personal life, you will have to keep your story up.  You will start to look for a way to persuade someone to believe one thing while covering other things.  You will also find that you don't appear necessarily honest especially when yo...

Christian Single Women: Seven Things You Need to Know About Worldly Men

So you believe in God, but you also want to believe that you can have the kind of relationship with the opposite sex that would please your Creator as well.  What you don't want to do is compromise your beliefs in the process.  Read the following article if you are a Christian woman dating: Christian Single Women: Seven Things You Need to Know About Worldly Men

Crazy Sex and Relationship Issues

Is it worth it?  Having wild sex with someone who leaves you in pain, mentally confused, or downright crazy?  Sex is meant to be enjoyed between two consenting individuals who love one another.  However, oftentimes sex is nothing more than a recreational sport that leaves some people bleeding, sick, and hurting emotionally and physically. When you find that a supposed relationship has become nothing more than sex talk, sex shows, and sex here and sex there, then it's time to take a sex break.  You might want to ask yourself, "What more do I want out of a partnership besides sex?"  Can your intimate partner advise you in the areas of spirituality, finances, employment, etc.?  Does this person really care about you and your interests?  Do you see yourself one day being married and having children with him or her? There are young men, women, teens, and worse children who have a poor concept as to what it means to be in a healthy relatio...

How to Deal With Ex-Boyfriends

You got an ex boyfriend that keeps bothering you emotionally or physically?  You need to deal with "this issue" before it ruins your future happiness with someone else.  How to Deal With Ex-Boyfriends

When Seeking a Date at a Family Function

There are some dos and don'ts when trying to connect with someone at a family function.  If you don't want to be the butt of jokes, ashamed, or marked as a jerk or some other bad name, watch what you say and do.  Unlike others just enjoying time with the family, you are on a mission--good luck! Here are some of the don'ts: 1.  Don't talk to anyone with bad breath.  Obvious advice right?  Think about how many people at family gatherings forget they ate something with onions or garlic and now they want to share their hot smelling breath with everyone.  2.  Don't use a happy time to vent about your frustrations with life, work, government, religion, relationships, etc.  You will surely be marked as a loser! 3.  Don't lie or exaggerate because people who knew you when...will blow your cover. As follows, here are some of the dos: 1.  Do ask questions. 2.  Do compliment your potential date. 3. Do listen to your p...

Five tips for feuding couples

The following link is simple, rational advice for healthy couples.  Those who are in dysfunctional relationships should use this to compare.  Sometimes you need a healthy model of how to deal with issues in order to determine whether trying over and over again with a partner is really worth it. Five tips for feuding couples

5 Things You Need to Know When Talking to Mothers about their Children

Whether you are single and have no children of your own or considering dating someone with children, there are some things you just don’t say if you hope to have a great relationship with a mom. One.   “I would never…” Every mother is different in the way she handles issues when it comes to her children.   What you might consider wrong, offensive, rude, or downright crazy, in her mind, she may not think so.   Consider this, if what she is doing is that bad, you might want to talk with a professional to see if you can get some help for her.   But if what she is doing is really no different than most mothers, then your personal thoughts on what you “would never do" are yours alone and should be kept to yourself. Two.   “If that were my child…” Once again, another personal opinion of what one believes he or she would do in a similar situation.   If you don’t want conflict with a doting mother or would rather not be ignored by her, don’t begin g...

Learn More About Your Date Without Jumping Into Bed

If you made the mistake once, you most likely made it more times than you can count, take a date home with you only to have sex and then afterward ask yourself, "Do I really know her/him?" It is such a let down when you find out you really don't have too much in common with your date after far too many episodes of sexing it up then meeting parents, moving in together, a possible proposal, a pregnancy, and more.  You feel like running away, ending it all because, "I should have...I could have...I wish I had..." a little too late when mistakes are already made, some you just have to live with.  But how does one minimize the regrets in a new relationship? One.  Keep dates out of your apartment/home for as long as you can. The day you opened that door and let her/him "to stay awhile" is the day that you said, "Let's have sex."  Whether you verbalized it or not at some point he or she is going to expect some action in your bedroom.  Rem...

5 Things You Seriously Want to Think About When It Comes to Relationship Challenges

When you are in love, you don't want to think about the "what ifs" when it comes to the future of your relationship, rather all you want to do is bask in the glory of being loved and loving!  You don't want anyone telling you anything either, for fear that they might bring a negative energy to your partnership. For now, you might simply believe that your new lover is much better, nicer, sweeter, etc. then that last one.  But the truth of the matter is, maybe this person is better, but you haven't changed much if not at all.  You are still that person you were who your last partner complained about "...not ever having this, not ever wanting to do that, and why are you always...?"  Maybe for now you are doing certain things for your partner, because you want to make a good impression, but sooner or later that old person in you is going to show up (that is unless you have a faith and feel accountable to the Lord then you might suppress him/her).  When the...

A Spiritual Perspective on Narcissism - Do you know a Narcissist? - YouTube

A Spiritual Perspective on Narcissism - Do you know a Narcissist? - YouTube

How to Take It Slow When Dating: Seven Do’s of Getting to Know Your Mate | BeyondJane

How to Take It Slow When Dating: Seven Do’s of Getting to Know Your Mate | BeyondJane

Six Safety Precautions You Should Take Before and During Your Dating | BeyondJane

Six Safety Precautions You Should Take Before and During Your Dating | BeyondJane

Women: Are You Saying Yes When You Really Mean No on Dates?

Women: Are You Saying Yes When You Really Mean No on Dates?

A Good Man is Hard to Find: What are Some Women Doing to Kill Their Relationships?

A Good Man is Hard to Find: What are Some Women Doing to Kill Their Relationships?

Just Because He's Older Doesn't Mean He is Responsible: A Lesson For Younger Women

Just Because He's Older Doesn't Mean He is Responsible: A Lesson For Younger Women

Worldly Relationships Celebrated in the Movies - YouTube

Do you want a spiritual connection or a worldly one?  What is your model for a successful relationship?  Where do you get your influence to be the best you can be in a relationship?  Are you a player?  Know what you want before you date another person. Worldly Relationships Celebrated in the Movies - YouTube

15 Ideas From a Mom on Saving Money When You Have a Family | Gomestic

Thought you might be interested in saving money especially if you are a new mom, recently married or inherited some children to take care of besides your own. 15 Ideas From a Mom on Saving Money When You Have a Family | Gomestic

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?