

RELATIONSHIP RESOURCES Improve Your Relationship or Find Someone New!! If you… Have a dead relationship? Think he is cheating? Trouble finding someone? Need some advice? Then you came to the right place! The following book downloads are inexpensive and quick to access. Get yours today! Bring Back Lost Love comprehensive book on getting the love back that you lost. Save My Marriage Today advice on how you can avoid divorce court and rekindle the fire! The Woman Men Adore if you want to be that head turning woman, you need this book! Questions for New Couples Learn more about your lover, find out what questions to ask. 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets Isn't this obvious? The Sexually Skilled Husband if the wife or girlfriend isn't happy, Tom, Bill or Jim might help! How to Catch A Cheating Spouse if you still aren't sure...find out today with these tips! 300 Creative Dates unique and traditional ways to spark the romance. Break Free From The Affair you already know

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Attention Ladies Who Want their Men to Last Longer And Be Better In Bed... There is a new online manual created specifically for guys who would like to last longer in bed. It provides detailed, easy to understand information that increases sex longevity and it is better than most aids out there! If he can read the instructions to get an appliance working then he can read a booklet to help him please his woman! There is no need for any of the following: pills, creams, lotions, or potions. So get this information now so he will be ready by tonight! Order Here!

Relationship Commitment - A Healthy Relationship Starts With You

It has been proven that a healthy mind and a healthy body can contribute to a healthy relationship. When you begin a new relationship with someone, you obviously want it to last as long as possible. Your relationship can last if you build a healthy relationship. However in order to have a strong relationship with someone, YOU must have a healthy mind and body and you must make that commitment to attain that status. So how do you make a relationship healthy? First, a healthy mind is when you have good self-esteem and confidence of who you are and what you want out of life. A healthy mind gives you independence so that you rely on yourself to get matters done and therefore not dependent on your significant other. An unhealthy mind though is when you have little or no self-esteem and no confidence in yourself. The lines of communication become non-existent because you withdraw into your own world and just look to your partner for guidance on your life, which puts a burden on him or her. A

How to Know If You Are Dating an Abuser

So, you have met someone in a club, in the park or you and him/her were introduced by a friend. You have gone out with that person on a couple of dates and that person seems so perfect, so right! You decide to take this dating to the next level, so you start a relationship with this person. After months of seeing this person, you decide to move in with him/her; next thing you know, you are being abused by that person. You can evade this whole scenario every time you go out on a date and trust that person that you are considering having a serious relationship with. Remember, many people are not honest about who they are until they are in deep in a relationship. Now, you should not be scared when it comes to dating but you should be careful, here are some tips on how to spot an abuser. You can spot an abuser on your first 3-5 dates with that person, as long as you listen correctly. A date is all about knowing a person, not their whole life but at least the most important details and w

How to Catch a Cheating Partner

"The car broke down. I was miles from anywhere, I just couldn't contact you." The cleverest of alibis will not count on the word of other people as they could potentially give away the secret. Why would you question their alibi if you had complete trust in them. However if you have reason to be suspicious, maybe you should be analysing your partners alibi a little more closely. So let's look at ways that you can analyse their alibis if you want to try and catch out your cheating partner? Well, all you can do by yourself in these circumstances is ask your partner for as much detail as you can without raising suspicion yourself. Keep a record. The cheat will have to remember everything they said and corroborate it when you ask them again a few days or weeks later. Perhaps your partner claims to have broken down miles from anywhere. How did they get back? How long did it take? What was the weather like? Did anyone stop to help them? How to Catch A Cheating Partner.

When You Just Want Your Ex Back...

Sometimes you realize that the grass just isn't greener on the other side. You thought that the relationship you were in was much worse than it was. You thought you didn't love him or her, but after time apart you realize that you really do! You desire to make things work, but your ex is still grappling with issues from the past and isn't convinced that you want to do right! What you need to do is get yourself mentally and physically together first! It's time to focus on you and the rest will follow, guaranteed! But you say you are together, good then just skip right to the link that says "click here!" The free information on the Internet will only tell you part of the story on what efforts you have to make to get your ex back (but you get what you pay for,) but if you want to know everything you have to do to get your ex back then invest a little money and alot more time. Here is a resource that will help you do just that...get your ex back! Click Her

Emotional Infidelity In A Relationship: What Is Emotional Cheating?

People define cheating differently. Some people define it as an emotional act as well as a physical act and others just define it as a physical act. That topic alone can cause some issues in a relationship if both parties define cheating differently. So, in order to eliminate obstacles that may later come into play it's always best to make certain you know how the other person in the relationship defines something like that. Although it's not pertinent that couples are exactly alike, there are obviously some important areas in a relationship which help uplift it rather than hinder it. And this type of topic can be one of those things. Truthfully, I believe that it's difficult to keep the romance alive and a relationship on a positive note if you're unable to work in unity with your spouse. Especially if one of you defines cheating in one way and the other defines cheating in another way. Usually, physical cheating is what we all refer to as cheating. It's a general

The Need For Emotional Intimacy

"My husband and I have a great working relationship. He's great to the kids, he's nice to me, he works hard on the house but he isn't very interested in getting to know me for who I really am. Any exploration around personal growth is threatening to him. Sometimes I feel so depressed to think I'll spend the rest of my life with this person when I want so much more, but there isn't anything wrong to point to as to why I would leave." Nellie was having her first phone counseling session with me. The problem was that Nellie was discounting her deep need for emotional intimacy - her deep need to know and be known, her deep need for emotional connection. Stating that, "there isn't anything wrong to point to" indicated how little she understood her need for emotional intimacy and connection. For most people, emotional intimacy and connection is absolutely necessary to thrive. So what does a person like Nellie need to do when she has a children and

Telling the Truth About The Breakup

I know why many people who beakup won't tell certain family members and friends the truth about why they broke up with their partner, in one word, FEAR. They are fearful of the "I told you so" comments, fearful of the way they will be viewed if they were responsible for the breakup, fearful that they will be told off, fearful that no one will listen, and fearful of what might be done to them for breaking up. So they develop a fantastic story, one that will make it look like it wasn't their idea to end the relationship. They will use the popular statement of, "We just couldn't see eye-to-eye, we couldn't get along..." Of course, we all know that there are two sides to every story, but let's be honest, which one will you believe? And do you really think that both people are responsible for the breakup? The truth is one usually started the "breakup ball" rolling and the other had no choice but to go along with it! Usually the one wh

How To Get The Chemistry In Your Relationship Back

Most relationships start out in a way that its like there’s fireworks everytime the two people are together. Both of you just cant get enough of each other, you enjoy the times you spend together and cant wait to do it again. There is some kind of chemistry developing between the two of you that just seems to bind and fuse the two of you together the more you spend more time with each other. Sparks just seem to fly when you get together and more and more people tend to notice the chemistry between the two of you. Everybody tends to say that a two person have chemistry when they are fit for each other. Its more than just a cliché since chemistry cant really be described, its just the way two persons seem to just click. You know you have chemistry with another person when your knees start shaking everytime you are near her, you begin to stammer, your stomach feels like a haven for butterflies and you get all sweaty all the time. Chemistry could be another word for love but in some case

Depression in Women - What Men Ought to Know - [Men Are Invited to Read This Article]

Healthy parents raise emotionally healthy babies and a mother’s influence towards the same is great. No body can deny it. Hence it is imperative that females should have good mental health. The reality is, about 20 to 25 percent of women suffers with depression in their life time against 7 to 12 percent of men. This shows that women are very much prone to depressed than men. Depression strikes older women more often than men In addition to environmental stressors and psychosocial factors, women are also influenced by biological factors to get depressed. That is why women are much prone to getting depressed than men Reproductive systems like menstrual cycle, pregnancy, post pregnancy, hormonal genetic systems, infertility, decision of not having children, menopause are the leading factors for getting depression for women as far as biological factors are concerned. Also other factors like Psychological which are clusters of certain personality traits, physical or sexual abuse and inadequ

Success In Relationship Can Help You Succeed In Business

Our relationships give us the comfort we need. Our relationships also give us pain. A relationship can work in both the ways and either way it affects our career and business success. Let us see how? Why Relationships? We relate with someone because otherwise we feel incomplete. We need a person to share our life. We want to talk about our inner thoughts, desires, pains and pleasures with a partner. We feel incomplete without a relationship. That is the primary reason of our relationship. What does relationship do? A relationship gives us peace and a friend. It helps us beat our loneliness and gives us a partner to share. A relationship gives us somebody who will inspire us at the time of our defeats. Relationships and career- If we enjoy a healthy relationship, we feel good. We feel very optimistic. Our state of mind is positive. We are empowered to fight any odd and dream of great achievements. A good relationship gives us a high that can help us achieve a lot in our business and car

Relationship Communication Problems - The Crisis in Male-Female Conversation Crying Out For Attention

Relationship communication problems are very common. There are a number of ways we can look at what these basic relationship problems are all about. One of the first things to say is it seems men are primarily responsible for the issues associated with marital and relationship problems to do with communication. I imagine a lot of men reading the last sentence would become very defensive about that statement and think it is another example of male bashing. On the other hand there is every chance many women reading it would identify with what is said and wholeheartedly agree with the statement. Adele Horin, a columnist in the Sydney Morning Herald, writes about relationship communication problems. She says there is a "..shortage of men that women can relate to. The crisis in male-female conversation cries out for more attention. Relationships are being destroyed, or aborted at first date..." She goes on "Say a woman has found a man... Before long she has detected the fatal

Why Relationship Problems Just Don't Seem to Go Away?

I am learning this as I write, we simply want to make someone do what we want them to do whether we are right or wrong. From a woman's perspective, I have spent years meeting men and then seeing something about them that I don't like and then I tell them about it and hope they would change. The problem is they don't want to change when I want them to and I don't have the patience to stick it out, so we break up. Listen, I don't want to be any man's mother, but sometimes as women we become just that! We expect them to do as we say and when they don't we get angry. All men have flaws, because if they didn't the woman that came before you would have never let the relationship die without a fight, but evidently she was like you, she couldn't change him either! So here's a simple lesson when it comes to relating to men, if you want to make your relationship work then you will have to say, "I accept...flaw...he is unwilling to change and I can

How Do I End A Relationship?

If you are in a relationship that has run its course - meaning the relationship seems to have fizzled out how are you going to end it? One of you has to. Often times relationships will continue long after the "magic" is gone because ending a relationship can be difficult. Does breaking up have to be hard? If you've been wondering "how do I end a relationship" so that neither person gets hurt here is some helpful advice. 1. First you need to be crystal clear as to why you want the relationship to end. The "easiest" reason that jumps into your head may not be the real reason at all. Dig deep and be sure you have a clear understanding of why you want the relationship to end. 2. Be honest with yourself and your partner. Now is not the time to beat around the bush or fabricate lies. In most cases people deserve the truth. In the end each of you will be better off if you are truthful regarding the break up. 3. Whenever possible, end the relationship in

Top Five Things To Do Instead of Nagging

Ladies, here is a news flash for you. You know this already, but I am officially confirming that men do not respond well, if at all, to nagging. If you want something from a man and you have been reduced to nagging him to get it, you stand a better change of a winning a snow ball fight in hell. A reader of mine, who we will call Julie emailed me recently saying she was simply exhausted with trying to get her husband to help out with the housework. She admitted she was constantly nagging him, however, no matter how, or how many times she pleaded with him, nothing. He simply did not respond. Julie, who works full time and takes care of two children and the house has come to a breaking point. Although she isn't actually considering leaving, she is actually considering threatening him with a separation. Should she resort to threats??? NO!!! First of all, threatening to leave a marriage when you simply don't mean it is a huge mistake. Secondly, her husband probably wouldn't even

Is Jealousy Destroying Your Relationship? Banishing The Green-eyed Monster From Your Relationship

Jealousy is a common problem that couples present when they go to counseling. When one partner chooses jealous behaviors, the dynamics of the relationship change. They are no longer a couple in an Adult Relationship. Now they are caught in a cycle of Investigator and Suspect. The Investigator spends an enormous amount of energy checking up on the Suspect, who may or may not be doing anything reprehensible. The Suspect spends time defending and explaining his/her behaviors. They are locked in a pattern which will destroy their relationship and they usually don’t what to do. Both partners are miserable playing this game. The game is all about Control. "If I don’t check up on her, she'll make me look stupid" or "He'll make a fool of me." People who choose jealous behaviors may not realize that their behavior looks pretty silly or even crazy. Their partner didn't "make" them look stupid. I was actually told by several women that "all men

Love Revisited: Helpful Do’s & Don’ts For The Widow/Widower Embracing New Love

Is it possible to mourn the loss of a beloved spouse and, while still grieving, to not only meet someone special, but fall in love and begin to build a new relationship that includes a commitment to sharing your lives? Can we overlap our loving and our grieving? The answer is a profound: YES! But, to smooth the path, keep these helpful Do’s and Don’ts in mind: • Do allow yourself the joy of healing and moving on. • Do allow yourself to feel good when this happens. • Don’t feel guilty. You have been respectful, loving and caring towards your late spouse. Time has passed. It is healthy to want your life to move forward. Try to recognize your emotions every step of the way and not shy away from inner scrutiny, or back off from facing your emotions. • Do know that it is possible to combine families with adult children no longer living at home. • Do know that it will not always be smooth sailing; there will be moments of arguments and disagreements to work through. Commonly, jealousy, fear,

Relationship Tune Up - 7 Key Points to Avoid a Break Up or Break Down

"Every three months or 3,000 miles." That's how the sticker in the left upper corner of my windshield reads. It's a matter of common knowledge that we are supposed to maintain, service, and tune up our cars if we want them to run well and last. In my experience, it rarely occurs to us to do the same thing with our love relationships. More and more of the couples I see are not in need of long term therapy, they are more in need of a short term relationship tune up. 7 Key Points What first attracted you to each other? - This is the first question I ask most couples because it helps to be reminded that your partner has some great qualities that led you to want to be in this relationship. What are some of the strengths of your relationship? - Instead of all the things that are wrong with your relationship, what I want to know is what are some of the strengths of the relationship upon which we can build in order to solve the problems with which they are struggling. When ha

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?