Learn More About Your Date Without Jumping Into Bed
If you made the mistake once, you most likely made it more times than you can count, take a date home with you only to have sex and then afterward ask yourself, "Do I really know her/him?" It is such a let down when you find out you really don't have too much in common with your date after far too many episodes of sexing it up then meeting parents, moving in together, a possible proposal, a pregnancy, and more. You feel like running away, ending it all because, "I should have...I could have...I wish I had..." a little too late when mistakes are already made, some you just have to live with. But how does one minimize the regrets in a new relationship? One. Keep dates out of your apartment/home for as long as you can. The day you opened that door and let her/him "to stay awhile" is the day that you said, "Let's have sex." Whether you verbalized it or not at some point he or she is going to expect some action in your bedroom. Rem...