
Ten Ways to Survive a Breakup People are often readily available to hear about a break up, but can't always provide you with the best advice you need to get on with your life. This article provides proven ways to help you heal. Read More
12 Things to Know Before Starting Your Next Sexual Relationship Thinking about having sex with someone? Don't make the same mistakes of the past! Do it right this time and you just might save yourself from unnecessary relationship problems in the future. Read More
How to Impress Someone by Using What You Know About Them Not very good at making first impressions and/or building relationships? No problem, there is always a celebrity that someone admires. Allow another person's interest be your tool to get a conversation started, a meeting arranged or simply be remembered. Read More
How to Avoid Being Deceived by a No Good Boyfriend Too many women believe the promises of "bad boys", then wonder why they are strung along into a hopeless relationship. Bad boys are not created to be faithful, honest and true. The next time you decide to date, know what you are getting yourself into before you commit. Read More

7 Tips to a Long & Healthy Relationship

What makes some Relationships last longer than others? Is there some type of magic spell, or a special pill, that seems to hold people together longer than others? There just might be! Some couples just seem to sit back & sulk, while some others just seem to let life go by right over their heads. Or maybe it's just that some couples pick up tips of relationship success from their grandparents, relatives or other friends. Since the latter is probably true, here are some tried & true tips that have helped couples enjoy long & happy relationships. 1. Be Nostalgic - When you first got together as a couple, there was something that bonded the two of you to each other. When times start to get difficult, take the time to reflect back on what brought the two of you together & use that common bond to build a foundation to work from to overcome your current difficulties. 2. Date Night - Just because the two of you are now in a long term relationship doesn't mean that the

How to Understand a Woman's Body Language - And Know If She Likes You (3 Easy Tricks You Must Know)

People say that reading the works of Homer and Nietzsche would be much easier compared to reading the thoughts of a girl. Oftentimes, it would appear that girls say one thing when they actually want to say something completely different. Because of this, a lot of guys get confused when they try to untangle the thoughts of a girl - what more when trying to truly understand them? This is quite ironic since guys try to read something that they do not know the language of. Naturally, this results in confusion and then denial. However, there are several surefire signs that girls show through body language, which guys could learn to read. You simply need to understand this female body language before it can get easier for you to read female thoughts. See, girls truly only want three things out of life: romance, security, and to feel special. If you have the ability to give a girl these things, then reading them would be just as easy as a book for kids - with nothing but pictures. Easy Tactic
Dating While Still in a Relationship: Seven Long Years with Mary and Jim A creative short story based on true events about a couple who decides to date behind each other's back while still living together. Read More

Ready to Have Sex?

Now are you sure? Because if you do, you know what this means. The way you see your relationship today, won't be the same by next week - I guarantee it! Your partner will start acting more concerned about where you are going, who you are seeing, whose on the phone, and what Internet sites you visited. There is something magical about sex. It makes people draw near for awhile, but then when the potion begins to wear off, people act strange, very strange. You may recall what happened the last time you had sex before the relationship was mature enough to handle it. She called you way too much wanting to know far too much. He acted like you were the very best thing since slice bread in the beginning of the relationship then eventually forgot what bread even looked like much less tasted like. So should men and women take it slow when it comes to sex? Yes! And what should they do to take it slow. I wrote about that too. Check out a site I contribute articles to: How to Take it
Ten Internet Dating Tips If you haven't dated online or have but you don't like the results you are receiving, read the following following tips on internet dating. These tips will help you save time and money in the future. Read More
How to Know You're Dating a Bad Girl You know God warned you about her and used other people to do the same, but you still want this bad girl. This article will tell you what she really thinks about you. Read More

He's No Good for You, She's a Slut

When well-meaning family members and friends finally meet this person you have raved so much about they may be very skeptical at first. Sometimes their skepticism never leaves no matter how much you parade your new love in front of them. Some will be bold and others may be coy about how they really feel about your date. "He's no good...she is a slut!" They may tell you about what they think they know about the person and what they may have heard. Most likely, you will defend this person who has brought you so much joy. However, consider the source and why they feel the way they do. Is there any truth to their argument? I can recall a time when I was head over heels in love with a guy that I brought around my family. Everyone else seemed to like him except one person. She didn't have a man herself and she was known for being a gossip. Although she was right about him being "no good," she was also very wrong for sharing her opinion with everyone else

How I Caught Her Cheating by Effectively Using a Reverse Cell Phone Directory

Do you need to find out if your spouse is cheating on you or you are just imagining things? There can be several signs that indicate the fact that your spouse is cheating on you, and you are the most authorized person to notice them, as you know them better than anyone, but sometimes it's hard to make sure, and this is something that needs to be known for sure. You don't want to believe they are fateful when they are in fact cheating on you, you need to find out the truth in order to decide what kind of future you have next to that person - if any. When noticing several calls from their cell or on the telephone bill to an unknown number, there wasn't much you could have done in the past to find out to whom than number belonged, but things have changed now in the age of the internet. For example, I actually was being cheated on by my wife, and I couldn't have found out if I didn't use a reverse cell phone detective. After finding a suspicious number in her cell, I ne

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Simply respond to this blog entry including your website or blog url address. If your site is not offensive and useful to my readers, it will also appear on the right side of this blog site using the link you supply and the title of the website or blog. Thanks for visiting. Nicholl McGuire Blog Publisher
Is Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Conceited, Arrogant, Turn People Off? Is your partner emotionally draining you with their self-absorbed personality? Find out how their issues will affect your relationship long term. Read More
How to Know You're Dating a Bad Girl You know God warned you about her and used other people to do the same, but you still want this bad girl. This article will tell you what she really thinks about you. Read More

Single Parents Meet At Online Dating Parents Services

Single parents meet with other singles at online dating services is common these days. Seeking a companion, they just need to register their personal ad at any single parents dating site. Single parents need love from someone who loves them, so do we. Every body need to be loved. You are a single mom who seeks a single man. And if you are a single dad who seeks a single mom. Then the best place to seek dating single mums or dads is from online dating parents services. Because of your busy life, it is too hard to find single fathers or mothers at the bar or nightclubs. Who will take care of your children when you go to find dates at these places? Online dating services are the best choice to find single parents. There are also free dating sites which provide a free two-way match making service to help singles dating single parents. Single parents need love so they should not give up on seeking new love in their life. Single parents seek their dates sometimes confront with tricky situati

Marriage Or Cohabitation - How Are Children Affected?

Recently on the Today Show, Brad Pitt briefly discussed his family, including long-time girlfriend Angelina Jolie and their six adoptive children. When asked if he planned to marry Angie, he said if they determine it would benefit their children, they would do so. Following is some evidence that could change the mind of people wondering if long-term cohabitation is as good a choice as marriage for families with children. Hopefully, most Americans aren't modeling their lives after Hollywood celebrities, but cohabitation is becoming more common, so the issue is worth discussing. Marriage is not just a financial decision; it is not just a decision of the heart. It involves these things of course, but when children are involved, they should also be considered. So, today's post is dedicated to studies showing how children are affected by marriage-emotionally, behaviorally, sexually, mentally, and physically. Research shows that in the U.S. cohabitators resemble singles more than the
Are Your Friends Hurting Your Relationship? Author: Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. You exist within a web of relationships. For instance, if your friend is going through tough times, you may find yourself feeling an emotional heaviness throughout the day, thinking and worrying about your friend. As this colors your mood, your partner may start to notice that lately you've been preoccupied and down. Since emotions are contagious, this will impact your partner in some way and her/his interactions with others may now be different as a result of what your friend shared with you. How is this relevant to your marriage or relationship? Your relationship exists within a larger social context, and your friends, coworkers, family, and even the society in which you live can directly or indirectly impact your relationship. Think of your relationship as one link on a never-ending chain of connectedness. This was evident with two couples I recently coached: A brief story of relationship isolation: Tad
Will Your Relationship Last Forever? Author: Damian Miles Do you realize that it is perfectly possible for you to have a relationship that lasts forever? And a relationship that is not just normal, or struggling, but that is consistently great. I believe that you can have a relationship where you are soul mates with your partner, and in love, and that you can have this over many many years until your are finally separated by death. I call such a relationship, a “lifelong soul mate relationship.” I know that you hope for such a lifelong soul mate relationship, but I suspect that you believe that it is only possible for you in some abstract kind of way. You may even believe that such a relationship is not possible outside of fairy tales. It is possible for you to have a lifelong soul mate relationship, and there is simple first step to achieving this. The first step is to see if a relationship, or a prospective relationship has the potential to be a lifelong soul mate relationship.

How To Make Your Relationship More Exciting

Throughout my professional career I've come across many people that were lacking excitement in their relationship. Many of them have experienced some form of it in the beginning of their relationship- but they all seem to ask me the same question..."where did all the fun go...and how can I get it back?" I know that when you're starting a new relationship it may be fun, exciting, and there are few arguments (if any). Someone even compared it to buying a new car and having that new car smell. But what happens after all the fun stops? Here's what you can do to get the fun back: 1. Show your creative side. When it comes to making a successful, long-lasting relationship, sometimes we need to think outside of the box. Coming up with fresh ideas for love and romance (or even where the next place you'll go to spend time together) could be the key to keeping your relationship thrilling. 2.Get Spontaneous. Do things "just because". Surprise your partner by pla

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?