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Types of guys you should avoid | Dating mistakes - Kev Hick Talks Guys with Girls


"AVOID THESE 7 Types Of Women When DATING!" | Stephan Speaks


The Cutting Truth: Relationship and Dating Blog Posts that Keep it Real!

 You probably didn't want to hear the truth about your relationship or dating life from your parent, your friend or even your co-worker.  However, it has a way of showing up when you least expect it like on a blog you just happened to stumble upon.  The following entries are those that you probably should read (or listen to), before something happens this year that will make you wish you had listened to everyone!  No coincidences here, thanks for showing up! Someone you are interested in, but you just don't know about dating him or her, hmm... A partner is doing some things that make you feel unloved. Incompatible couples from the start and still things haven't gotten any better.   Getting back out there in the dating world isn't what it used to be. The relationship isn't abusive, but you just aren't convinced you want to continue to be with this person. What your family just didn't teach you about relationships. Arguments happen, don't believe everyone

You're Pulling My Leg by Allen Wolf - a great conversation starter!

 So here I was looking around the room this past holiday season, my relatives were either busy watching TV, gaming in another room, or eating.  I recalled a book I had checked out earlier sitting on my desk, "You're Pulling My Leg" by Allen Wolf.  "The Ultimate Storytelling Game."   When I first received it, I thought,"I'm going to need this book just in case that awkward silence shows up and we all have nothing more to say."  Well, the time had come, yep, we had little more to say after exchanging pleasantries.  I asked one of my sons, "Would you like to look at a book I have?  I think it might be something you might find interesting." My eldest son is single.  He is tall, tan, lean and handsome, but he works a lot, and as he put it, "I don't have time for dating."  However, he has expressed interest in women.  I wondered what kind of conversation does he have with these ladies he encounters?  So he took a look at Wolf'

Failed relationship, test, trial - Keep the faith anyway!


What You May Have Known Already About Dating Apps But Try to Ignore

Dating apps are the go-to when singles, divorced daters, and the curious just can't get around like they once did to meet people (you have all things related to Covid 19 to thank for that)!  Meanwhile, loneliness, depression, boredom, anger, sex withdrawal related issues..., you name the challenge, and it's all getting the best of so many singles!   Online dating services are supposed to be an aid, a scratch for that itch--lol.  However, when money, time, and energy are personal problems for the frustrated lover, one will eventually find using a dating app is not the best solution but for now, it is what it is. The reality is there are those online dating services who have a long list of consumer complaints and for others lawsuits.  Some of you probably know all-too-well what some of these dating companies do to lure the gullible, desperate, sad, and lonely to there good-for-nothing dating websites!  From attractive men and women, cool features to communicate, and fun activiti

A little reminder -- Stay Together! Johnny Gill - Let's Get The Mood Right (Official Video)

It's tough sometimes trying to maintain a relationship with your significant, listen to the lyrics of this song and be creative!  Dedicated to all the couples that are having challenges right now--keep the love flowing :)  It will get better!

Dating During COVID - LIVE Kelly and Ryan


Future Faking - false promises - spiritual perspective


On Discerning a Possible Date, Future Partner intimate relationships


7 Signs You are the Cause of Your Dating Problems

Every time you go out with someone, you feel something is missing.   You try to figure out what it might be, but you can’t.   Your dates have noticed at times you are distant, confused, and negative.   You often point the finger at your dates.   However, have you thought about what you might be doing or saying that is making your dates not want to ask you out on another date? It can be hard to believe that your dates are coming to a quick end because of you.   Ego gets in the way and says, “It’s not my fault.   I didn’t cause the problem.”   Yet, the issues may lie with you from the start.   What is missing in your life?   Do you have any personal interests?   Are you being honest with yourself in area of your life such as money, relationship, job, etc. When one isn’t happy with self he or she is not going to make anyone else happy.   Rather than bring positivity, one who is troubled is going to bring all that is negative to a relationship.   " The restaurant service could h

Your Bad News Is Their Inconvenience - relationships


Social life and dating during the coronavirus


Listener requested - When the Narcissist Stalks, Obsesses


Manipulative Men Create Themselves to be Everything You Ever Wanted

He said all the right things based on what he had already learned about me. He promised me that we would go to fun places and see cool things. He told me that he loved me and how stupid the last man was for letting me go. He bought me everything I ever wanted. He seemed like he really wanted to know me, he asked me lots of questions. All of what I mentioned above was what I remembered during the dating phase with various men.  They were nice-looking, charming, but all had dark sides.  They took the time to get to know me because "I was different...pretty, smart...liked my smile."  Oh yea, the smile.  They all found my smile very attractive.  But I wasn't sold much on their looks, it was their voices.  I was lured by the tone of their voices and what they promised. Back then, in my 20s.  Now in my forties.  I know now when a man is attempting to make himself into something I would desire even though I am married and they know it.  They still try.  One

Beware: The Date Who Lies about Liking Travel or the Outdoors

The lonely single woman, back on the dating scene, sucked it up when they first started dating; she went skiing with her new date: The Adventure Seeker despite her personal fears.   W hen asked out again, she attended a conference in another state with him.   He had a bright idea to go hiking, so she accompanied him reluctantly on that trip too.   As the connection grew deeper, the bachelorette finally confessed one day, “I don’t like traveling or the outdoors.   Please don’t ask me to go with you again, but you are welcome to have a ball by yourself, without another woman, of course.”   What!   He was shocked, disappointed, and started to think, “This isn’t going to work.”   What drew him to her was that dating profile where she checked off that she liked the outdoors and traveling.   She thought that her date had forgotten about that, "...just harmless lies. He'll get over it, " she reasoned.  But he didn't. The future is forever changed when one lies about i

When the Adulterous, Sexually Immoral Want You to Go Along - dating men,...


The Ex Hurt You But They Didn't - Stop the Blame


When a Man Says He Doesn't Want Children, He Means It

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: When a Man Says He Doesn't Want Children, He Means... : Some victims of domestic violence assume that if they have a baby for an abusive man, then another and another that some how the man will ch... Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?