
What Does it Take to Maintain a Quality Relationship?

You don't realize just how much you do when it comes to connecting with a partner until you sit down and think about it.  Any one who says that a relationship is easy to maintain is most likely with someone who doesn't expect to much.  But for those who are with individuals who are demanding, have a personality disorder, or a long history of emotional as well as physical baggage, it isn't easy being in a relationship with them.  So here is a brief list of the many things that couples do to keep their relationship going: 1.  They talk to one another and share things like: household responsibilities, work days, children's needs, family events, and personal issues. 2.  They make time to connect with one another emotionally and physically such as complimenting, joking, sharing fun moments, etc. 3.  They remember to do things for one another. 4.  They enjoy going out with one another. 5.  They know how to give one another space. 6.  They feel good about the relat

Boring Boyfriends - Do You Have One?

Boring Boyfriends  - You don't anticipate that the guy who once swept you off your feet and took you to some great places was really boring.

Tired of Trusting in Men? happiness, worth, money, esteem


Stuff You Must Know About Relationships - Issues will Arise, Relationship Challenged

We seek out people to date or we involve ourselves in committed relationships not thinking twice about all the potential issues we might face as the connection grows older and sometimes colder.  You see a nice-looking, friendly person seated across from you in a romantic setting.  You don't envision what the future might look like when things aren't so pretty and friendly.  This list below is to help those of you who are considering on dating someone new as well as those currently in a relationship.  Be mindful of what is ahead in the coming years and if you have a faith, use it--you will need it if you want your relationship to go the distance. Dating Violence Dating Violence | OVW | Department of Justice Relationship Therapy Therapy for Relationships , Relationship Therapist 5 Principles of Effective Couples Therapy Relationships and Money Couples and Money: Test Your Money Relationship - Money Clubs Managing Marriage and Money Problems - WebMD Top 6 Marri

Do You Want to Believe the Truth or the Lie? relationships, family, work


Marriage and Family Problems - in-laws, controlling relatives


The Highs and Lows of Online Romances

The warm feeling that comes over you when you see that special someone online and offline.  He or she makes you feel alive!  You haven't felt this good in years!  You can't get enough of talking to that special friend and drooling over his or her photos.  You want the world to know just how you feel, but you can't say everything or do as much as you want due to concern that the individual might sooner or later let you down or worse not be the one! It is understandable to feel this way.  You don't always know whether a person is sincere about you like you are about him or her.  It is always best to slow down a bit.  Spend time talking and watching the person's mannerisms.  Find out whether he or she is in fact right for you and not just right for the moment. I personally witnessed a friend go from enormous highs in her infatuation of the people she met online to great lows within days of meeting her dates.  She would start off with starry-eyed conversations o

Abuse Might Go Into Hiding for the Holidays

Abuse Might Go Into Hiding for the Holidays

The Rush - Dating Too Soon

A rush to find someone, look for the right look for a first date, communicate one's needs, touch, have sex, fall in love, get married, and have children.  Welcome to Internet dating!  Where the lonely, desperate, confused, crazy, and horny are in a rush to do everything only to crash and burn later. I was one of them. Yes, the inspirational speaker and author of many books, (I wasn't who I am now back then--although I wish maybe I wouldn't have been in such a rush) set out to connect online after a divorce (can we say vulnerable and an easy target).  My ex was cheating and seemed to be quite content with his mistress--a co-worker.  So me, being the kind of gal who wasn't going to sit back and watch their movie unfold right before my eyes, applied for a divorce and started looking online months later.  It felt so nice to be admired online.  I was ready to have some fun--woohoo! As we all know, who have been there and done that, fun doesn't come without a pric

The Holidays: He Hit Her Again and She Said It was Her Fault

The Holidays: He Hit Her Again and She Said It was Her Fault

Emotional Abuse in Families - name-calling, yelling, ignoring


Cherish the Good Times But Don't Be Blind

  When times are good, they are good, but when they are bad...know what you won't tolerate.   Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire

Accountability vs Denial


Stupid Things Couples Fight About - youtwoTV


Fed Up with Partner


Dating - How Close is a Date to Family, Friends?




In a Relationship with a Controlling Partner?

Do you feel suffocated in a relationship?  Is the partnership all about your mate?  Do you often feel powerless and frustrated?  Check out audio by inspirational speaker and author Nicholl McGuire on Sutros.  Podcast available here: October is domestic violence awareness month.

12 Dating Dynamics


Narcissists and Emotional Abusers Silence You Through Stonewalling


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?