
Cherish the Good Times But Don't Be Blind

  When times are good, they are good, but when they are bad...know what you won't tolerate.   Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire

Accountability vs Denial


Stupid Things Couples Fight About - youtwoTV


Fed Up with Partner


Dating - How Close is a Date to Family, Friends?




In a Relationship with a Controlling Partner?

Do you feel suffocated in a relationship?  Is the partnership all about your mate?  Do you often feel powerless and frustrated?  Check out audio by inspirational speaker and author Nicholl McGuire on Sutros.  Podcast available here: October is domestic violence awareness month.

12 Dating Dynamics


Narcissists and Emotional Abusers Silence You Through Stonewalling


Leadership & Infidelity


On Loving Those Who Were Once Abused - Past Abuse, Present Day Issues


Dating Tips - Crazy Women Rarely Look Crazy

The woman you might call, "Crazy" wasn't that way when you first met her. You wouldn't have thought to call her such back then. The words you chose were most likely positive. "She is cute, funny, sweet, and smart," you said. In the past, there was no possible way for you to know about a date's oddities; therefore, start forgiving yourself (if you haven't already) for missing the clues. The odd woman didn't wear a t-shirt that said, "I'm a bit off," but if she had, you probably would have avoided her, unless of course the t-shirt was wet. Then you probably would have at least considered talking to her if nothing else. Some men think with their eyes and body parts then wonder why they can't seem to find the right partner, while others have been burned so much that they learn not to dismiss those warning bells that go off in their minds no matter how sexy, pretty, wealthy, or smart a woman might be. Chances are you have s

In Love Again -- What Does it Take?

Do you want to feel that "in love" emotion?  Well you can do some things to awake the sleeping heart in a relationship full of mundane routines.  Try the following: 1.  Plan special times together monthly discovering new activities you never experienced together. 2.  Separate for awhile.  Focus on goals, dreams, assist a relative in another state...getting away for an extended length of time is not only liberating, but will help you decide whether the relationship is worth saving. 3.  Find the time to communicate with one another outside of the norm. 4.  Share new things about one another or fun stuff that has happened during the day. 5.  Upgrade your appearance.  Do away with some things that don't enhance your look.  Exercise, watch your eating habits, and rid yourself of toxic behaviors from gossip to recreational drug use. 6.  Stop spending so much time with family, friends, co-workers...and bragging about everyone but your partner. 7.  Buy your partner

Give It Some Time - Online Dating and Watching for the Crazies and Manipulators

Months go by and still one is trying to meet that special person, what gives?  You have been ghosted, lied to, analyzed, mistreated, manipulated...these people online are crazy, wild, wounded, and desperate.  It isn't you, right?  It's always them. One of the biggest mistakes people make when dating on or offline is they simply don't be themselves.  They go about the dating world pretending to be easy-going, fun, sweet, nice or whatever else they wish to be.  Yet, as time goes on true colors are revealed and what was once so beautiful or handsome turns out to be a minion from hell! Give yourself some time when online dating.  Allow at least four seasons to go by before committing to an exclusive relationship.  Also, don't assume that you know someone very well after a week of talking and a month of dating.  People who are good at deceiving others can keep up a false persona for a long time before their act begins to unravel.  Watch out for the following red alert si

Conceit and It's Connection to Self Defeat, Self Deception


False Forgiveness - Appearing to Forgive


How Men React To Different Levels Of Makeup


Should I contact a guy who blew me off


Dating Too Many People, Spending Too Much Time and Money

How many is too many lovers?  How much time is too much time when it comes to staying online meeting and communicating with new friends?  What is the dollar amount on spending too much when dating? Some people go into the dating world blindly and they don't bother to put any limitations on time, money or anything else.  When this sort of thing happens it isn't any wonder that people argue, fuss, break up, obtain STDS, have unwanted pregnancies, go into debt, end up in jail, and more.  There are simply no boundaries! When you date far too many people, you exhaust yourself of them sooner or later.  They all start looking and sounding the same in your mind.  You find yourself disinterested in those you should be interested in and settling with those in between sheets that you really don't like that much. Spending much money on dates has caused many hardships for singles as well as married individuals.  Falling behind in bills won't bring a smile on anyone's face

Red Flag of a Narcissist: Never Apologizes - Thrive After Abuse


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?