In Love Again -- What Does it Take?

Do you want to feel that "in love" emotion?  Well you can do some things to awake the sleeping heart in a relationship full of mundane routines.  Try the following:

1.  Plan special times together monthly discovering new activities you never experienced together.

2.  Separate for awhile.  Focus on goals, dreams, assist a relative in another state...getting away for an extended length of time is not only liberating, but will help you decide whether the relationship is worth saving.

3.  Find the time to communicate with one another outside of the norm.

4.  Share new things about one another or fun stuff that has happened during the day.

5.  Upgrade your appearance.  Do away with some things that don't enhance your look.  Exercise, watch your eating habits, and rid yourself of toxic behaviors from gossip to recreational drug use.

6.  Stop spending so much time with family, friends, co-workers...and bragging about everyone but your partner.

7.  Buy your partner something when its not a holiday.

8.  During tough times, encourage your partner by sharing personal stories of triumph.

9.  Be happy for your partner when good things happen.  Ask if he or she needs assistance in meeting goals or performing tasks.

10.  Take the children on an outing for at least once a week and help with chores.  Give your partner some free time.

Express your love through writing, song, dance, video, etc. whenever possible, your partner needs to know that you love him or her.  Remember what you are unwilling to do, someone somewhere will fulfill the void especially if your partner is attractive.

Nicholl McGuire


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