
Beware: The Date Who Lies about Liking Travel or the Outdoors

The lonely single woman, back on the dating scene, sucked it up when they first started dating; she went skiing with her new date: The Adventure Seeker despite her personal fears.   W hen asked out again, she attended a conference in another state with him.   He had a bright idea to go hiking, so she accompanied him reluctantly on that trip too.   As the connection grew deeper, the bachelorette finally confessed one day, “I don’t like traveling or the outdoors.   Please don’t ask me to go with you again, but you are welcome to have a ball by yourself, without another woman, of course.”   What!   He was shocked, disappointed, and started to think, “This isn’t going to work.”   What drew him to her was that dating profile where she checked off that she liked the outdoors and traveling.   She thought that her date had forgotten about that, "...just harmless lies. He'll get over it, " she reasoned.  But he didn't. The future is forever changed when one lies about i

When the Adulterous, Sexually Immoral Want You to Go Along - dating men,...


The Ex Hurt You But They Didn't - Stop the Blame


When a Man Says He Doesn't Want Children, He Means It

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: When a Man Says He Doesn't Want Children, He Means... : Some victims of domestic violence assume that if they have a baby for an abusive man, then another and another that some how the man will ch... Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

When a Date is a Reader and You’re Not

There is something about reading books that makes this bachelor cringe, but the woman in front of him is so attractive and lately he hasn’t had much luck finding a great match.   The book she holds in her hand is a turn-off.   He encourages her to do something else as she heads by the pool to read once again.   The reader thought it would be a good idea since the couple saw and did a lot earlier from dining out to watching a sporting event. Once again, her date tries to entertain her and even throws a negative comment about her book selection, “I can’t believe people read that garbage, ha!”   Put-off by her date’s comment, she ignores him for hours. Photo by Ben White on Unsplash If books turns you off as much as the gentleman in the previous example, then don’t consider dating a reader.   People who enjoy books also are very knowledgeable about many subjects and like conversing about a wide variety of topics.   They also are open to taking additional classes to better them pe

Dating Witchcraft Women, Seemingly Very Caring Women


Does Laid Back Really Mean a Future Lazy Partner?

When a date described himself as “laid back,” I should have known what he really meant was “lazy.”   We usually think of a person being laid back as someone who is not reactionary, chill, or cool.   However, what we don’t think about is if a person is too “cool,” they also don’t want to follow any rules too!   If a person is “laid back” or “chill,” they also don’t feel as if they have to cook, clean, organize, or take care of other responsibilities too! Photo by Hamza Bounaim on Unsplash Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it!   Mr. or Ms. Laid Back is nice to be when conversing or visiting new places, but you don’t want “laid back” when you have a list of tasks that need to be completed within a set limit of time.   You don’t need “laid back” when you are in a rush.   Mr. or Ms. Laid Back wants to do most things on his or her terms and who cares about what others’ think?   When you hear a date sound like he is bragging about how laid back he or she is, ask

9 Signs a Date is Uncompassionate, Cold-Hearted

Cold and uncaring, when a date like this walks into a room, you feel something strange.   Initially you can’t explain it and may even brush it off, but the energy isn’t good.   This negative vibe you feel is coming from a cold-bloodied person .   They don’t always look like a Stephen King thriller with a hollow look in their eyes; sometimes they appear engaged, kind, and intelligent.   However, these people when angry are downright unfriendly, unprofessional, and unintelligent!   So before you find yourself planning a future with a psychopath or narcissist, know the signs he or she sooner or later will care less about you! Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash 1)   They just seem far too interested in you at first.   They make you feel like they are too good too be true. 2)   They tell white lies and hope you will overlook. 3)   They don’t seem to respond to your stories genuinely.   It seems like they are forcing emotion especially when what you are sharing is upsetting.

Too Good Too Be True Men and Women - dating


Too Much Too Soon - discerning the dating profile


7 Things a Spouse, Friend Does that Makes You Feel Unloved

Lately, you have been noticing your loved one is not acting very loving.   This person is not being kind to you, isn’t acting very generous, and doesn’t seem like he or she wants to be in your presence.   Thoughts of separating from this person have been increasing lately.   What more might you need to know to determine whether the relationship or friendship has run its course. One.   The individual doesn’t call or bother to text any niceties when he is away from you. If this was something that he or she once did, ask him or her why has it stopped?   Are you continuing to do these things or have you also changed? Two.   He or she doesn’t ask any questions that would encourage you to express your thoughts or feelings including inquiries about your work day. Whether this person has become uncaring or always was, ask yourself, “What might be going on in his or her life that would make this person stop communicating with you?   What might you have said or did that may have con

Relationships, Friendships will Change


Why Your Ex Doesn't Want You Back

He has his issues with his ex-girlfriend .   She doesn't feel she can trust her boyfriend.   The more people keep inside the worse things can get.   This is why many relationships come to a swift end.   Your ex may not want you back for any number of reasons.   An important thing you should know is that if you should force something that isn't meant to be, sooner or later you will reap the consequences. 1.   An ex may have someone else that is showing him or her interest. The two might not be dating, but whatever the chemistry, an ex is curious.   How can one emotionally compete?   Sometimes history together has little to do with those growing feelings inside that tell a former partner, "Why not explore new possibilities, he or she hasn't hurt you?" 2.   The influence of the ex's family and friends has a significant impact. When an ex's ears are tuned into family there is little one can do.   His or her loved ones most likely warned the ex fr

Fake Love. Sex - intimacy, relationships, couples


New Partner Plans? But Your Current Partner Doesn't Know

Some of you were with partners doing things like: watching the fireworks, saying prayers, sitting by the fire, listening to music or having sex when the new year came ringing in.  But you have a secret, you don't plan on being with your current connection for the entirety of this year.  Look your secret is safe with me! A few times in my life, I just knew without a doubt that those jokers were not going to be around much longer.  My new year's resolution with one man, while I sat in church next to him, was to break up with him by spring.  I accomplished that task but not without six police officers showing up that sunny day in April.  They received a domestic violence call.  I had been previously abused many times and I was fed up--I fought back. When you have grown weary of the make up to break up roller coaster, you mistreat the person without a care whether verbally or physically, and all you ever think about is ending the relationship , it's time!  This is the year

On Settling with Someone Who You Are Incompatible -- Don’t!

The regrets one experiences when he or she decides to have a serious relationship with someone who you later realize you should have never committed to or worse met can be upsetting.   Your personal and professional goals may be impacted so much that you no longer bother to work to achieve them. In a turbulent relationship, you work harder than most to communicate, meet your partner’s needs, and more while fighting often.   You or your mate may be exhibiting signs at times that you no longer care or want to be in a relationship with one another.   When this occurs, thoughts of cheating or actually seeking out someone to have sex with may happen.   You have mental and bodily anguish that at times is unexplainable--even leaving doctors scratching their heads.   When your health woes subside and you and your partner are not disagreeing as often, you attempt to be positive, but emotions and behaviors simply don’t last for long.   Again, you suffer through the relationship like watchi

Why Narcissists Disappear (Hint: It's not just the silent treatment)


What to Do When You Discover a Date Has Been Lying to You

It can be disheartening when you find out a date has been lying to you about any number of things, what's worse is you have had sex with this person and thought you had an intimate connection, but realize you can't trust him or her.   So what to do when you discover your dating a liar? 1.   You confront him or her on every lie.   Sometimes there are those little white lies and then there are those bigger lies that enter into a relationship.   As much as you want to believe a partner didn't lie about someone or something, when it is proven that he or she did, burying your hand in the sand is the last thing you want to do.   Welcome the warning sign, stay guarded, and always confront the liar on his or her lies. 2.   You remind him or her of your deal breakers.   You will need to remind a lying partner what your deal breakers are and maybe he or she will think twice in the future.   This person may have forgotten what you might have gone through in your last relationshi

Is it Really Love?


Relationship Breakup - A Headache You Didn't Want


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?