Online Dating Advice - 5 Warning Signs of Fake Profiles

When you're on an online dating site, you open your heart in the hopes of finding someone special. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who want to take advantage of that. So even though you should still be open, you still need to protect yourself. Here are a few things online dating tips on what to look out for and how protect your online identity.
1. Protect your password: This is common sense. Think of it this way - you would never give your bank card number and password to someone just because they asked for it, would you? You should think of your password to whatever dating site you've joined. Never share your password with anyone inside or outside of the site. In fact, the only page that should ask for your user name and password is the login page.
2. Sharing personal information: It's called a public profile for a reason, as everyone on the site can see it. So if you don't want any Tom, Dick or Harry calling you up, don't put your personal contact information here. It's a different story once you get to know someone better - once you feel comfortable with another member, you can always choose to pass along your contact information.
3. Off-site communication: Be cautious when people try to lure you off of this site and onto another, usually one that requires credit card details to enter it. In this case, contact the dating site's customer service department and pass along that user's name. You'll be doing yourself - and other members - a great favor.
4. Go with your gut: Your gut always knows best and your instincts are the most accurate indicator when it comes to talking or meeting someone, so you should never ignore them. If you start to feel uneasy or unsafe about another user on the site, stop talking to them immediately and report them to that site's service agents.
5. General Tips: Here are some more tips on how to spot a scammer:
• They don't want to get to know you, and will usually ignore any personal questions about themselves.
• They will ask you for money or credit card information for various personal reasons, or they will try to lure you away from the site.
• Their profile pictures may look professional, almost "too good to be true." These pictures look like they have been taken by a professional photographer and the person featured looks like a model.
• Their profile may be incomplete, and says nothing about their personality.
• Insist on seeing current photos when contacting other members, and remember to give others the same.
By Miranda Patterson


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