
What is a True Relationship?

Messages for the Soul  with Nicholl.  Podcasts at Your Listen

How To Get Over A Breakup (Tips For Moving On Quickly) Exs


Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire


Audio Podcast for Men in Relationships, Dating from a Woman's Perspective

Check out this new podcast by Nicholl McGuire, blogger of this site.  Thought-provoking commentary regarding relationship and dating topics that affect men and women. Why Men are Drawn to Weak Women

Seeking Writers, Bloggers, Poets, Videomakers

Do you talk about relationship and dating topics?  Would you like to be featured on this site too?  We share some of the best information around the web about dating and relationships.  This dating blog has been around for many years and has been a help to hundreds.  So if you have something inspiring, useful and really want to help our readers, then send your links, video, etc. for a future blog post to and we will highlight your work here.  Looking forward to viewing your material!  

Sam Smith - Writing's On The Wall (from Spectre)


Tips Dating Older Men, Dating Younger Women: Over-sexed: Histrionic Personality Disorder and Na...

Tips Dating Older Men, Dating Younger Women: Over-sexed: Histrionic Personality Disorder and Na...

Dating: 20s Vs. 30s


How to Get the Girl this Valentine's Day


Wearable First Date Makeup Routine | SunKissAlba


Top 10 Best Dating Apps 2016 [HD]


The top 5 dating mistakes women over 40 make || Bethenny Frankel


Why Do People Go Back to One Another After a Break Up?

About nine years ago, I was curious as to why people go back to one another after a break up.  I had noticed this pattern after a few honeymoon periods between victims and their abusive partners (as well as myself--thank God I have been free for over 20 years now) and men who I dated who were still thinking about and sexing the so-called ex. The answer to that question provided results that were, too put it plainly, common sense, but didn't make the reasons right, good or altogether true.  The answers from real people with real life experience can be found in the discussion I started here: Why People Go Back to One Another "Why are they back together, why?"

Ms. Online Date Turns Into Another Bad Mate - Dating

You might be angry with yourself for all the times you believed that your companion was into you when the truth could be she pretended like she enjoyed everything you were into. You see this now, but you didn't back when you were having a good time with her. It doesn't help matters when we persuade people to go along with doing things that we know they just aren't into or we appease them just to make them smile while we hurt within. Yet, inside you are thinking, "I don't like any of this! The things we do for love!" Once again, you spoiled the woman or maybe she ruined you by doing everything you wanted. She went along with your selection of places to eat; exaggerated how good you were at doing something, your pick in a movie selection, or what you do for others. Too much of the actress can be unnerving, so you pull back and you want time alone or you want to go places without someone in the passenger seat. She probably gave you hell fo...

An Older Couple Gives Love Advice


Things are Never the Same - After First Episode of Abuse

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: Things are Never the Same - First Insult, Slap, Ki... : You don't understand how did we go from talking about something so simple to blowing up.  Two people had personal qualms with the other...

On Defending Dysfunctional Family Members and Friends

If you aren't too careful, defending your dear mother, father and other relatives and friends when your partner brings up issues more than a few times just might cost you your relationship. Is it really worth it? Many people ended up in divorce court because selfish, manipulative and controlling relatives put just enough pressure on their relationships to send them there.

13 Things Men Think About Women (But Won't Say)


It's Okay Not to Like Your Partner Sometimes

Where in the rulebook does it say you have to like your partner all the time?  Don't beat yourself up about your personal feelings or let others who may have observed your mood change to guilt you.  When a mate isn't giving you much reason to like or even love him or her lately it's okay.  Simply find ways to either rekindle positive emotions, communicate concerns, distance yourself for a time (absence makes the heart grow fonder), or use the quiet and space to grow from this difficult season and redirect your attention on the things that matter in your own life rather than pay so much attention on him or her.  Most mature couples reconcile gradually, but those that are seriously thinking about separating or divorcing, they usually never connect in the way they once did.  Sex is a mere bandaid for them, and doesn't satisfy emotionally.  Check yourself, think about what your partner may be going through, and say a prayer for you both. ...

He said No Sex


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?