
Showing posts from January, 2015

How To Tell If Someone Is Gay - Foolproof!


How to Know if You're in a Healthy Relationship


Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating, TED Talks


Relationship Advice ~ 10 Things Men Wish Women Wouldn't Do


Vows and Pledges - Time to keep them, time to break them. Ask God for Help


How To Ask A Girl Out Dating Advice For Men


Crazy Old Men - Why Do Young Women Bother?

Tips Dating Older Men, Dating Younger Women: Crazy Old Men - Why Do Young Women Bother? : Most young women know a crazy old man when they see him.  He might be unattractive, smell funny, move slow, and talk much.  These ladies mi...

Why You Don't Want to Grow to Hate an Ex or Current Partner

I know you want to hate him or her for everything this person ever did to you.  The pain within is terrible, forgiveness isn't even a topic of discussion, and if something bad were to happen to him or her, you don't believe you would shed one tear.  When the heart is this heavy, you have to pause, take a breath, and think about how you are feeling for a moment.  Before you say yet another bad word about your partner or ex, think about the negative energy you have been putting out into the atmosphere up to this point.  Notice how mean-spiritedness has been traveling within and around you lately.  From mood swings to people acting ugly toward you for no apparent reason.  Evil doesn't just stop on the one you are growing to hate, but it has a way of coming back on the sender. One day, I thought deeply about an abusive man who hurt me physically not just once, twice, but many times between "I love you" and promises he wou...

Spiritual Abuse - Manipulations of an Abuser and Divorce


Dating Warning Signs that Predict What the Future Might Look Like


Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: A Partner Didn't Mean It, Really, Sorry Yet Again ...

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate: A Partner Didn't Mean It, Really, Sorry Yet Again ... : Some temperamental, violent, and angry types just don't get it!  Did a partner really have to hit, yell, name-call, throw things, or us...

Boring Boyfriends

Boring Boyfriends  is an article that provides some thought-provoking information worth paying attention to if you are in a relationship with a real bore!  Enjoy!

Relationship Experts, Advice on Relationships & Break Ups from America's...


Dating Advice: Should You Pursue The Guy


Narcissistic Relationships - An Introduction


She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?