Is There Anyone Who Loves You More than the One Who Does Right Now?
Sometimes you will dislike your partner, even wish you never met him or her. But, you have to ask yourself, is there anyone who will love you more than this person does right now (besides God and parents of course.) The answer is, "No." You might say, but what about this...or what about that..? Love takes time. Are you patient enough and determined to make love work the second, third, fourth or even fifth time or more again with this one or someone different? We might assume because someone else (that one who keeps looking at you at the workplace or the friendly girl down the street) who wishes to be a part of your life is Mr. Right or Ms. Right, but don't be so sure. Love isn't about who makes you tingle inside and makes you feel 10 years younger as I'm sure you have already learned the hard way. Love is far more deeper than that! We should think, that maybe just maybe, the reason why the pers...