
Showing posts from March, 2019

Dating Witchcraft Women, Seemingly Very Caring Women


Does Laid Back Really Mean a Future Lazy Partner?

When a date described himself as “laid back,” I should have known what he really meant was “lazy.”   We usually think of a person being laid back as someone who is not reactionary, chill, or cool.   However, what we don’t think about is if a person is too “cool,” they also don’t want to follow any rules too!   If a person is “laid back” or “chill,” they also don’t feel as if they have to cook, clean, organize, or take care of other responsibilities too! Photo by Hamza Bounaim on Unsplash Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it!   Mr. or Ms. Laid Back is nice to be when conversing or visiting new places, but you don’t want “laid back” when you have a list of tasks that need to be completed within a set limit of time.   You don’t need “laid back” when you are in a rush.   Mr. or Ms. Laid Back wants to do most things on his or her terms and who cares about what others’ think?   When you hear a date sound like he is bragging abo...

9 Signs a Date is Uncompassionate, Cold-Hearted

Cold and uncaring, when a date like this walks into a room, you feel something strange.   Initially you can’t explain it and may even brush it off, but the energy isn’t good.   This negative vibe you feel is coming from a cold-bloodied person .   They don’t always look like a Stephen King thriller with a hollow look in their eyes; sometimes they appear engaged, kind, and intelligent.   However, these people when angry are downright unfriendly, unprofessional, and unintelligent!   So before you find yourself planning a future with a psychopath or narcissist, know the signs he or she sooner or later will care less about you! Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash 1)   They just seem far too interested in you at first.   They make you feel like they are too good too be true. 2)   They tell white lies and hope you will overlook. 3)   They don’t seem to respond to your stories genuinely.   It seems like they are forcing emotion espe...

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire

She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire
Dating or married to an angry woman?