How to Spot a Self-Absorbed and Conceited Partner Who Will Probably Cheat on You – Warning Signs to Look Out For

Everyone has a different perspective of what is considered attractive in a partner, whether it be a great smile, intelligence, or a sense of humor. However, others look for specific qualities when dating that they know will always lead to heartache – a self-absorbed and conceited partner. Dating such a person could lead to an unhealthy relationship filled with insecurities, jealousy, and constant drama. Identifying the early warning signs of such personality traits can save you from heartbreak in the future.

1) Narcissist tendencies

If your partner is constantly talking about themselves or making everything about them, it may be a sign they are self-absorbed. Such tendencies are often portrayed as an overinflated sense of self-importance or arrogance.

2) A lack of empathy

A relationship should be a two-way street, with both partners shouldering their responsibilities and being there for each other. However, some self-absorbed individuals can lack empathy. They may not care about your problems or not even bother to ask about other people’s feelings in general.

3) Disrespect

Does your partner often dismiss your opinions, treat your ideas as inferior, or often denigrate your opinions. This behavior is part of a toxic relationship, as a relationship should be based on mutual respect, complicity, and teamwork. It is a clear sign of self-absorption, someone who thinks that their view of life is better than everyone else's.

4) An obsession with looks

Many self-absorbed individuals often place importance on looks above anything else. They may boast about their looks, look down upon other people's looks, or project ideals about perfect looks, which only serve to feed their egos.

5) Possible infidelity

Although not every self-absorbed person is unfaithful, one must be wary, as a lack of empathy, respect, and obsession with looks can all be precursors to infidelity. It would be best to keep your eyes open for any red flags, such as them projecting their infidelity on you or being possessive and jealous when other people approach you.

Identifying these warning signs early in the dating stage is crucial when looking for a healthy relationship. Never settle for someone just because they are attractive or because you think they will change. People will present the most positive aspects of their personality at the beginning of a relationship. It is advisable to not ignore the red flags if you observe them. If you find that your partner is self-absorbed and/or conceited, it's best to call it quits and move on to someone who is compassionate and caring. You deserve better than an unhealthy relationship filled with drama and heartache.

Feel like you are just moving way too fast with someone? Check out this informative read on dating here.


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